Zero Dimensional SolveΒΆ

The ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage package constructor provides operations for computing symbolically the complex or real roots of zero-dimensional algebraic systems.

The package provides no multiplicity information (i.e. some returned roots may be double or higher) but only distinct roots are returned.

Complex roots are given by means of univariate representations of irreducible regular chains. These representations are computed by the univariateSolve operation (by calling the InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage package constructor which does the job).

Real roots are given by means of tuples of coordinates lying in the RealClosure of the coefficient ring. They are computed by the realSolve and positiveSolve operations. The former computes all the solutions of the input system with real coordinates whereas the later concentrate on the solutions with (strictly) positive coordinates. In both cases, the computations are performed by the RealClosure constructor.

Both computations of complex roots and real roots rely on triangular decompositions. These decompositions can be computed in two different ways. First, by a applying the zeroSetSplit operation from the REGSET domain constructor. In that case, no Groebner bases are computed. This strategy is used by default. Secondly, by applying the zeroSetSplit from LEXTRIPK. To use this later strategy with the operations univariateSolve, realSolve and positiveSolve one just needs to use an extra boolean argument.

Note that the way of understanding triangular decompositions is detailed in the example of the RegularTriangularSet constructor.

The ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage constructor takes three arguments.The first one R is the coefficient ring; it must belong to the categories OrderedRing, EuclideanDomain, CharacteristicZero and RealConstant. This means essentially that R is Integer or Fraction(Integer). The second argument ls is the list of variables involved in the systems to solve. The third one MUST BE concat(ls,s) where s is an additional symbol used for the univariate representations. The abbreviation for ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage is ZDSOLVE.

We illustrate now how to use the constructor ZDSOLVE by two examples: the Arnborg and Lazard system and the L-3 system (Aubry and Moreno Maza). Note that the use of this package is also demonstrated in the example of the LexTriangularPackage constructor.

Define the coefficient ring.

R := Integer
                      Type: Domain

Define the lists of variables:

ls : List Symbol := [x,y,z,t]
                      Type: List Symbol


ls2 : List Symbol := [x,y,z,t,new()$Symbol]
                      Type: List Symbol

Call the package:

pack := ZDSOLVE(R,ls,ls2)
                      Type: Domain

Define a polynomial system (Arnborg-Lazard)

p1 := x**2*y*z + x*y**2*z + x*y*z**2 + x*y*z + x*y + x*z + y*z
       2       2     2
  x y z  + (x y  + (x  + x + 1)y + x)z + x y
                      Type: Polynomial Integer

p2 := x**2*y**2*z + x*y**2*z**2 + x**2*y*z + x*y*z + y*z + x + z
     2 2     2 2     2
  x y z  + (x y  + (x  + x + 1)y + 1)z + x
                      Type: Polynomial Integer

p3 := x**2*y**2*z**2 + x**2*y**2*z + x*y**2*z + x*y*z + x*z + z + 1
   2 2 2      2      2
  x y z  + ((x  + x)y  + x y + x + 1)z + 1
                      Type: Polynomial Integer

lp := [p1, p2, p3]
       2       2     2
 [x y z  + (x y  + (x  + x + 1)y + x)z + x y,
     2 2     2 2     2
  x y z  + (x y  + (x  + x + 1)y + 1)z + x,
   2 2 2      2      2
  x y z  + ((x  + x)y  + x y + x + 1)z + 1]
                      Type: List Polynomial Integer

Note that these polynomials do not involve the variable t; we will use it in the second example.

First compute a decomposition into regular chains (i.e. regular triangular sets).

       20     19      18      17       16      15       14       13       12
      z   - 6z   - 41z   + 71z   + 106z   + 92z   + 197z   + 145z   + 257z
          11       10       9       8       7       6      5       4      3
      278z   + 201z   + 278z  + 257z  + 145z  + 197z  + 92z  + 106z  + 71z
      - 41z  - 6z + 1
                    19            18             17             16
          14745844z   + 50357474z   - 130948857z   - 185261586z
                      15             14             13             12
          - 180077775z   - 338007307z   - 275379623z   - 453190404z
                      11             10             9             8
          - 474597456z   - 366147695z   - 481433567z  - 430613166z
                      7             6             5             4
          - 261878358z  - 326073537z  - 163008796z  - 177213227z
                      3            2
          - 104356755z  + 65241699z  + 9237732z - 1567348
              19           18            17            16            15
      1917314z   + 6508991z   - 16973165z   - 24000259z   - 23349192z
                 14            13            12            11            10
      - 43786426z   - 35696474z   - 58724172z   - 61480792z   - 47452440z
                 9            8            7            6            5
      - 62378085z  - 55776527z  - 33940618z  - 42233406z  - 21122875z
                 4            3           2
      - 22958177z  - 13504569z  + 8448317z  + 1195888z - 202934
      3       2       3    2               2              2
   ((z  - 2z)y  + (- z  - z  - 2z - 1)y - z  - z + 1)x + z  - 1}
                   Type: List RegularChain(Integer,[x,y,z,t])

We can see easily from this decomposition (consisting of a single regular chain) that the input system has 20 complex roots.

Then we compute a univariate representation of this regular chain.

    complexRoots =
         12      11      10     9     8      7      6      5     4     3
        ?   - 12?   + 24?   + 4?  - 9?  + 27?  - 21?  + 27?  - 9?  + 4?
        24?  - 12? + 1
     coordinates =
                    11        10         9        8        7         6
          63x + 62%A   - 721%A   + 1220%A  + 705%A  - 285%A  + 1512%A
                 5         4       3        2
          - 735%A  + 1401%A  - 21%A  + 215%A  + 1577%A - 142
                     11        10         9        8        7         6
          63y - 75%A   + 890%A   - 1682%A  - 516%A  + 588%A  - 1953%A
                5         4        3        2
          1323%A  - 1815%A  + 426%A  - 243%A  - 1801%A + 679
       z - %A]
                   6    5    4    3    2
  [complexRoots= ?  + ?  + ?  + ?  + ?  + ? + 1,
                       5       3
   coordinates= [x - %A ,y - %A ,z - %A]]
 [complexRoots= ?  + 5? + 1,coordinates= [x - 1,y - 1,z - %A]]]
         Type: List Record(complexRoots: SparseUnivariatePolynomial Integer,
                           coordinates: List Polynomial Integer)

We see that the zeros of our regular chain are split into three components. This is due to the use of univariate polynomial factorization.

Each of these components consist of two parts. The first one is an irreducible univariate polynomial p(?) which defines a simple algebraic extension of the field of fractions of R. The second one consists of multivariate polynomials pol1(x,%A), pol2(y,%A) and pol3(z,%A). Each of these polynomials involve two variables: one is an indeterminate x, y or z of the input system lp and the other is %A which represents any root of p(?). Recall that this %A is the last element of the third parameter of ZDSOLVE. Thus any complex root ? of p(?) leads to a solution of the input system lp by replacing %A by this ? in pol1(x,%A), pol2(y,%A) and pol3(z,%A). Note that the polynomials pol1(x,%A), pol2(y,%A) and pol3(z,%A) have degree one w.r.t. x, y or z respectively. This is always the case for all univariate representations. Hence the operation univariateSolve replaces a system of multivariate polynomials by a list of univariate polynomials, what justifies its name. Another example of univariate representations illustrates the LexTriangularPackage package constructor.

We now compute the solutions with real coordinates:

lr := realSolve(lp)$pack
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B1   - ------- %B1   - ------- %B1   + -------- %B1
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B1   + -------- %B1   + ------ %B1   + --------- %B1
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B1   + --------- %B1   + --------- %B1  + --------- %B1
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B1  + ------- %B1  + ------ %B1  + ------- %B1
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B1  + -------- %B1  - ---- %B1 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B1   + ------ %B1   + ------- %B1   - ------- %B1
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B1   - -------- %B1   - -------- %B1   - ------ %B1
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B1   - -------- %B1   - -------- %B1  - ------- %B1
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B1  - -------- %B1  - -------- %B1  - -------- %B1
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B1  - -------- %B1  - ------- %B1 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B2   - ------- %B2   - ------- %B2   + -------- %B2
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B2   + -------- %B2   + ------ %B2   + --------- %B2
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B2   + --------- %B2   + --------- %B2  + --------- %B2
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B2  + ------- %B2  + ------ %B2  + ------- %B2
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B2  + -------- %B2  - ---- %B2 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B2   + ------ %B2   + ------- %B2   - ------- %B2
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B2   - -------- %B2   - -------- %B2   - ------ %B2
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B2   - -------- %B2   - -------- %B2  - ------- %B2
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B2  - -------- %B2  - -------- %B2  - -------- %B2
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B2  - -------- %B2  - ------- %B2 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B3   - ------- %B3   - ------- %B3   + -------- %B3
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B3   + -------- %B3   + ------ %B3   + --------- %B3
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B3   + --------- %B3   + --------- %B3  + --------- %B3
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B3  + ------- %B3  + ------ %B3  + ------- %B3
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B3  + -------- %B3  - ---- %B3 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B3   + ------ %B3   + ------- %B3   - ------- %B3
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B3   - -------- %B3   - -------- %B3   - ------ %B3
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B3   - -------- %B3   - -------- %B3  - ------- %B3
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B3  - -------- %B3  - -------- %B3  - -------- %B3
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B3  - -------- %B3  - ------- %B3 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B4   - ------- %B4   - ------- %B4   + -------- %B4
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B4   + -------- %B4   + ------ %B4   + --------- %B4
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B4   + --------- %B4   + --------- %B4  + --------- %B4
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B4  + ------- %B4  + ------ %B4  + ------- %B4
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B4  + -------- %B4  - ---- %B4 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B4   + ------ %B4   + ------- %B4   - ------- %B4
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B4   - -------- %B4   - -------- %B4   - ------ %B4
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B4   - -------- %B4   - -------- %B4  - ------- %B4
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B4  - -------- %B4  - -------- %B4  - -------- %B4
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B4  - -------- %B4  - ------- %B4 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B5   - ------- %B5   - ------- %B5   + -------- %B5
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B5   + -------- %B5   + ------ %B5   + --------- %B5
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B5   + --------- %B5   + --------- %B5  + --------- %B5
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B5  + ------- %B5  + ------ %B5  + ------- %B5
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B5  + -------- %B5  - ---- %B5 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B5   + ------ %B5   + ------- %B5   - ------- %B5
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B5   - -------- %B5   - -------- %B5   - ------ %B5
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B5   - -------- %B5   - -------- %B5  - ------- %B5
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B5  - -------- %B5  - -------- %B5  - -------- %B5
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B5  - -------- %B5  - ------- %B5 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B6   - ------- %B6   - ------- %B6   + -------- %B6
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B6   + -------- %B6   + ------ %B6   + --------- %B6
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B6   + --------- %B6   + --------- %B6  + --------- %B6
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B6  + ------- %B6  + ------ %B6  + ------- %B6
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B6  + -------- %B6  - ---- %B6 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B6   + ------ %B6   + ------- %B6   - ------- %B6
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B6   - -------- %B6   - -------- %B6   - ------ %B6
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B6   - -------- %B6   - -------- %B6  - ------- %B6
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B6  - -------- %B6  - -------- %B6  - -------- %B6
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B6  - -------- %B6  - ------- %B6 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B7   - ------- %B7   - ------- %B7   + -------- %B7
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B7   + -------- %B7   + ------ %B7   + --------- %B7
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B7   + --------- %B7   + --------- %B7  + --------- %B7
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B7  + ------- %B7  + ------ %B7  + ------- %B7
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B7  + -------- %B7  - ---- %B7 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B7   + ------ %B7   + ------- %B7   - ------- %B7
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B7   - -------- %B7   - -------- %B7   - ------ %B7
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B7   - -------- %B7   - -------- %B7  - ------- %B7
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B7  - -------- %B7  - -------- %B7  - -------- %B7
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B7  - -------- %B7  - ------- %B7 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
      1184459    19   2335702    18   5460230    17   79900378    16
      ------- %B8   - ------- %B8   - ------- %B8   + -------- %B8
      1645371          548457          182819          1645371
      43953929    15   13420192    14   553986    13   193381378    12
      -------- %B8   + -------- %B8   + ------ %B8   + --------- %B8
       548457           182819           3731           1645371
      35978916    11   358660781    10   271667666    9   118784873    8
      -------- %B8   + --------- %B8   + --------- %B8  + --------- %B8
       182819           1645371           1645371           548457
      337505020    7   1389370    6   688291    5   3378002    4
      --------- %B8  + ------- %B8  + ------ %B8  + ------- %B8
       1645371          11193          4459          42189
      140671876    3   32325724    2   8270       9741532
      --------- %B8  + -------- %B8  - ---- %B8 - -------
       1645371          548457          343       1645371
         91729    19   487915    18   4114333    17   1276987    16
      - ------ %B8   + ------ %B8   + ------- %B8   - ------- %B8
        705159         705159          705159          235053
        13243117    15   16292173    14   26536060    13   722714    12
      - -------- %B8   - -------- %B8   - -------- %B8   - ------ %B8
         705159           705159           705159           18081
        5382578    11   15449995    10   14279770    9   6603890    8
      - ------- %B8   - -------- %B8   - -------- %B8  - ------- %B8
         100737          235053           235053          100737
        409930    7   37340389    6   34893715    5   26686318    4
      - ------ %B8  - -------- %B8  - -------- %B8  - -------- %B8
         6027          705159          705159          705159
        801511    3   17206178    2   4406102       377534
      - ------ %B8  - -------- %B8  - ------- %B8 + ------
         26117         705159          705159       705159
                  Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

The number of real solutions for the input system is:

# lr
                  Type: PositiveInteger

Each of these real solutions is given by a list of elements in RealClosure(R). In these 8 lists, the first element is a value of z, the second of y and the last of x. This is logical since by setting the list of variables of the package to [x,y,z,t] we mean that the elimination ordering on the variables is t < z < y < x. Note that each system treated by the ZDSOLVE package constructor needs only to be zero-dimensional w.r.t. the variables involved in the system it-self and not necessarily w.r.t. all the variables used to define the package.

We can approximate these real numbers as follows. This computation takes between 30 sec. and 5 min, depending on your machine.

[ [approximate(r,1/1000000) for r in point] for point in lr]
   [- --------,



   [- -------,



   [- -------,



   [- -------,














                   Type: List List Fraction Integer

We can also concentrate on the solutions with real (strictly) positive coordinates:

lpr := positiveSolve(lp)$pack
                   Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

Thus we have checked that the input system has no solution with strictly positive coordinates.

Let us define another polynomial system (L-3).

f0 := x**3 + y + z + t- 1
   z + y + x  + t - 1
                    Type: Polynomial Integer

f1 := x + y**3 + z + t -1
   z + y  + x + t - 1
                    Type: Polynomial Integer

f2 := x + y + z**3 + t-1
   z  + y + x + t - 1
                    Type: Polynomial Integer

f3 := x + y + z + t**3 -1
   z + y + x + t  - 1
                    Type: Polynomial Integer

lf := [f0, f1, f2, f3]
          3              3              3                              3
[z + y + x  + t - 1,z + y  + x + t - 1,z  + y + x + t - 1,z + y + x + t  - 1]
                    Type: List Polynomial Integer

First compute a decomposition into regular chains (i.e. regular triangular sets).

lts := triangSolve(lf)$pack
    2           3        3
  {t  + t + 1, z  - z - t  + t,
              3      2      2      3           6     3            3      2
      (3z + 3t  - 3)y  + (3z  + (6t  - 6)z + 3t  - 6t  + 3)y + (3t  - 3)z
         6     3          9     6     3
      (3t  - 6t  + 3)z + t  - 3t  + 5t  - 3t
   x + y + z}
    16     13     10     7      4      2
  {t   - 6t   + 9t   + 4t  + 15t  - 54t  + 27,
                  15            14             13            12            11
          4907232t   + 40893984t   - 115013088t   + 22805712t   + 36330336t
                    10             9             8             7
          162959040t   - 159859440t  - 156802608t  + 117168768t
                    6             5             4             3
          126282384t  - 129351600t  + 306646992t  + 475302816t
          - 1006837776t  - 237269088t + 480716208
         54       51        48      46         45        43          42
      48t   - 912t   + 8232t   - 72t   - 46848t   + 1152t   + 186324t
             40          39        38         37           36         35
      - 3780t   - 543144t   - 3168t   - 21384t   + 1175251t   + 41184t
             34           33          32           31           30
      278003t   - 1843242t   - 301815t   - 1440726t   + 1912012t
              29           28          27           26            25
      1442826t   + 4696262t   - 922481t   - 4816188t   - 10583524t
               24            23            22          21            20
      - 208751t   + 11472138t   + 16762859t   - 857663t   - 19328175t
                 19           18            17            16           15
      - 18270421t   + 4914903t   + 22483044t   + 12926517t   - 8605511t
                 14           13           12           11          10
      - 17455518t   - 5014597t   + 8108814t   + 8465535t   + 190542t
                9           8          7           6          5          4
      - 4305624t  - 2226123t  + 661905t  + 1169775t  + 226260t  - 209952t
      - 141183t  + 27216t
              3      2      2      3           6     3            3      2
      (3z + 3t  - 3)y  + (3z  + (6t  - 6)z + 3t  - 6t  + 3)y + (3t  - 3)z
         6     3          9     6     3
      (3t  - 6t  + 3)z + t  - 3t  + 5t  - 3t
   x + y + z + t  - 1}
           2                       2                     2
 {t,z - 1,y  - 1,x + y}, {t - 1,z,y  - 1,x + y}, {t - 1,z  - 1,z y + 1,x},
    16     13     10     7      4      2
  {t   - 6t   + 9t   + 4t  + 15t  - 54t  + 27,
                  29            28             27           26             25
          4907232t   + 40893984t   - 115013088t   - 1730448t   - 168139584t
                    24             23             22              21
          738024480t   - 195372288t   + 315849456t   - 2567279232t
                    20              19              18              17
          937147968t   + 1026357696t   + 4780488240t   - 2893767696t
                       16              15              14              13
          - 5617160352t   - 3427651728t   + 5001100848t   + 8720098416t
                     12             11               10              9
          2331732960t   - 499046544t   - 16243306272t   - 9748123200t
                     8               7               6               5
          3927244320t  + 25257280896t  + 10348032096t  - 17128672128t
                        4             3               2
          - 14755488768t  + 544086720t  + 10848188736t  + 1423614528t
          - 2884297248
          68        65         62       60          59        57          56
     - 48t   + 1152t   - 13560t   + 360t   + 103656t   - 7560t   - 572820t
            54           53        52          51           50         49
      71316t   + 2414556t   + 2736t   - 402876t   - 7985131t   - 49248t
              48            47          46           45            44
      1431133t   + 20977409t   + 521487t   - 2697635t   - 43763654t
                43           42            41            40            39
      - 3756573t   - 2093410t   + 71546495t   + 19699032t   + 35025028t
                 38            37             36            35             34
      - 89623786t   - 77798760t   - 138654191t   + 87596128t   + 235642497t
                33            32             31             30             29
      349607642t   - 93299834t   - 551563167t   - 630995176t   + 186818962t
                28             27             26              25
      995427468t   + 828416204t   - 393919231t   - 1076617485t
                   24             23              22              21
      - 1609479791t   + 595738126t   + 1198787136t   + 4342832069t
                   20              19              18              17
      - 2075938757t   - 4390835799t   - 4822843033t   + 6932747678t
                 16              15              14              13
      6172196808t   + 1141517740t   - 4981677585t   - 9819815280t
                   12             11               10               9
      - 7404299976t   - 157295760t   + 29124027630t   + 14856038208t
                    8               7              6               5
      - 16184101410t  - 26935440354t  - 3574164258t  + 10271338974t
                  4              3              2
      11191425264t  + 6869861262t  - 9780477840t  - 3586674168t + 2884297248
         3      3      2      6      3           9     6    3
      (3z  + (6t  - 6)z  + (6t  - 12t  + 3)z + 2t  - 6t  + t  + 3t)y
         3      3      6      3      2      9      6      3          12     9
      (3t  - 3)z  + (6t  - 12t  + 6)z  + (4t  - 12t  + 11t  - 3)z + t   - 4t
        6     3
      5t  - 2t
   x + y + z + t  - 1}
 {t - 1,z  - 1,y,x + z},
    8    7    6     5     4     3      2
  {t  + t  + t  - 2t  - 2t  - 2t  + 19t  + 19t - 8,
                  7           6           5            4           3
          2395770t  + 3934440t  - 3902067t  - 10084164t  - 1010448t
          32386932t  + 22413225t - 10432368
               7           6           5           4            3
      - 463519t  + 3586833t  + 9494955t  - 8539305t  - 33283098t
      35479377t  + 46263256t - 17419896
            4      3      3       6      3      2          3
          3z  + (9t  - 9)z  + (12t  - 24t  + 9)z  + (- 152t  + 219t - 67)z
               6      4      3
          - 41t  + 57t  + 25t  - 57t + 16
         3      4      6      3      3          3              2
      (3t  - 3)z  + (9t  - 18t  + 9)z  + (- 181t  + 270t - 89)z
            6       4      3                    7      6      4       3
      (- 92t  + 135t  + 49t  - 135t + 43)z + 27t  - 27t  - 54t  + 396t
      - 486t + 144
   x + y + z + t  - 1}
 {t,z - t  + 1,y - 1,x - 1}, {t - 1,z,y,x}, {t,z - 1,y,x}, {t,z,y - 1,x},
 {t,z,y,x - 1}]
                   Type: List RegularChain(Integer,[x,y,z,t])

Then we compute a univariate representation.

[[complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x - 1,y - 1,z + 1,t - %A]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x,y - 1,z,t - %A]],
 [complexRoots= ? - 1,coordinates= [x,y,z,t - %A]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x - 1,y,z,t - %A]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x,y,z - 1,t - %A]],
 [complexRoots= ? - 2,coordinates= [x - 1,y + 1,z,t - 1]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x + 1,y - 1,z,t - 1]],
 [complexRoots= ? - 1,coordinates= [x - 1,y + 1,z - 1,t]],
 [complexRoots= ? + 1,coordinates= [x + 1,y - 1,z - 1,t]],

                  6     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 2?  + 3?  - 3,
                        3                 3
   coordinates= [2x + %A  + %A - 1,2y + %A  + %A - 1,z - %A,t - %A]]

                  5     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 3?  - 2?  + 3? - 3,
   coordinates= [x - %A,y - %A,z + %A  + 2%A - 1,t - %A]]

                  4    3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - ?  - 2?  + 3,
                       3                3                3
   coordinates= [x + %A  - %A - 1,y + %A  - %A - 1,z - %A  + 2%A + 1,t - %A]]
 [complexRoots= ? + 1,coordinates= [x - 1,y - 1,z,t - %A]],

                  6     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 2?  + 3?  - 3,
                        3                        3
   coordinates= [2x - %A  - %A - 1,y + %A,2z - %A  - %A - 1,t + %A]]

                  6      4      3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 12?  + 20?  - 45?  - 42? - 953,

    coordinates =
                    5       4       3        2
      [12609x + 23%A  + 49%A  - 46%A  + 362%A  - 5015%A - 8239,
                    5       4       3        2
       25218y + 23%A  + 49%A  - 46%A  + 362%A  + 7594%A - 8239,
                    5       4       3        2
       25218z + 23%A  + 49%A  - 46%A  + 362%A  + 7594%A - 8239,
                    5       4       3        2
       12609t + 23%A  + 49%A  - 46%A  + 362%A  - 5015%A - 8239]

                  5      3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 12?  - 16?  + 48? - 96,
   coordinates= [8x + %A  + 8%A - 8,2y - %A,2z - %A,2t - %A]]

                  5    4     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + ?  - 5?  - 3?  + 9? + 3,

    coordinates =
              3                   3                   3
      [2x - %A  + 2%A - 1, 2y + %A  - 4%A + 1, 2z - %A  + 2%A - 1,
       2t - %A  + 2%A - 1]

                  4     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 3?  + 4?  - 6? + 13,

    coordinates =
               3      2                  3      2
      [9x - 2%A  + 4%A  - %A + 2, 9y + %A  - 2%A  + 5%A - 1,
              3      2                   3      2
       9z + %A  - 2%A  + 5%A - 1, 9t + %A  - 2%A  - 4%A - 1]

                  4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 11?  + 37,

    coordinates =
              2            2                  2            2
      [3x - %A  + 7,6y + %A  + 3%A - 7,3z - %A  + 7,6t + %A  - 3%A - 7]
 [complexRoots= ? + 1,coordinates= [x - 1,y,z - 1,t + 1]],
 [complexRoots= ? + 2,coordinates= [x,y - 1,z - 1,t + 1]],
 [complexRoots= ? - 2,coordinates= [x,y - 1,z + 1,t - 1]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x,y + 1,z - 1,t - 1]],
 [complexRoots= ? - 2,coordinates= [x - 1,y,z + 1,t - 1]],
 [complexRoots= ?,coordinates= [x + 1,y,z - 1,t - 1]],

                  4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 5?  + 16?  + 30? + 57,

    coordinates =
                  3       2                          3       2
      [151x + 15%A  + 54%A  + 104%A + 93, 151y - 10%A  - 36%A  - 19%A - 62,
                 3       2                        3       2
       151z - 5%A  - 18%A  - 85%A - 31, 151t - 5%A  - 18%A  - 85%A - 31]

                  4    3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - ?  - 2?  + 3,
                       3                 3                       3
   coordinates= [x - %A  + 2%A + 1,y + %A  - %A - 1,z - %A,t + %A  - %A - 1]]

                  4     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 2?  - 8?  + 48,

    coordinates =
              3                          3                  3
      [8x - %A  + 4%A - 8,2y + %A,8z + %A  - 8%A + 8,8t - %A  + 4%A - 8]

                  5    4     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + ?  - 2?  - 4?  + 5? + 8,
                        3            3            3
   coordinates= [3x + %A  - 1,3y + %A  - 1,3z + %A  - 1,t - %A]]
 [complexRoots= ?  + 3? - 1,coordinates= [x - %A,y - %A,z - %A,t - %A]]]
        Type: List Record(complexRoots: SparseUnivariatePolynomial Integer,
                          coordinates: List Polynomial Integer)

Note that this computation is made from the input system lf.

However it is possible to reuse a pre-computed regular chain as follows:

ts := lts.1
   2           3        3
 {t  + t + 1, z  - z - t  + t,

             3      2      2      3           6     3            3      2
     (3z + 3t  - 3)y  + (3z  + (6t  - 6)z + 3t  - 6t  + 3)y + (3t  - 3)z
        6     3          9     6     3
     (3t  - 6t  + 3)z + t  - 3t  + 5t  - 3t
  x + y + z}
                     Type: RegularChain(Integer,[x,y,z,t])

                  4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 5?  + 16?  + 30? + 57,
    coordinates =
                  3       2                          3       2
      [151x + 15%A  + 54%A  + 104%A + 93, 151y - 10%A  - 36%A  - 19%A - 62,
                 3       2                        3       2
       151z - 5%A  - 18%A  - 85%A - 31, 151t - 5%A  - 18%A  - 85%A - 31]
                  4    3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - ?  - 2?  + 3,
                       3                 3                       3
   coordinates= [x - %A  + 2%A + 1,y + %A  - %A - 1,z - %A,t + %A  - %A - 1]]
                  4     3     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 2?  - 8?  + 48,
    coordinates =
              3                          3                  3
      [8x - %A  + 4%A - 8,2y + %A,8z + %A  - 8%A + 8,8t - %A  + 4%A - 8]
       Type: List Record(complexRoots: SparseUnivariatePolynomial Integer,
                         coordinates: List Polynomial Integer)

                      Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

We compute now the full set of points with real coordinates:

lr2 := realSolve(lf)$pack
[[0,- 1,1,1], [0,0,1,0], [1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,1,0,0], [1,0,%B37,- %B37],
 [1,0,%B38,- %B38], [0,1,%B35,- %B35], [0,1,%B36,- %B36], [- 1,0,1,1],
       1     15    2     14    1     13    4     12   11     11    4     10
      -- %B32   + -- %B32   + -- %B32   - -- %B32   - -- %B32   - -- %B32
      27          27          27          27          27          27
       1     9   14     8    1     7   2     6   1     5   2     4       3
      -- %B32  + -- %B32  + -- %B32  + - %B32  + - %B32  + - %B32  + %B32
      27         27         27         9         3         9
      4     2
      - %B32  - %B32 - 2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B32   - -- %B32   - -- %B32   + -- %B32   + -- %B32   + -- %B32
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B32  - -- %B32  - -- %B32  - - %B32  - - %B32  - - %B32  - %B32
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B32  + - %B32 + -
        3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B32   - -- %B32   - -- %B32   + -- %B32   + -- %B32   + -- %B32
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B32  - -- %B32  - -- %B32  - - %B32  - - %B32  - - %B32  - %B32
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B32  + - %B32 + -
        3         2        2
       1     15    2     14    1     13    4     12   11     11    4     10
      -- %B33   + -- %B33   + -- %B33   - -- %B33   - -- %B33   - -- %B33
      27          27          27          27          27          27
       1     9   14     8    1     7   2     6   1     5   2     4       3
      -- %B33  + -- %B33  + -- %B33  + - %B33  + - %B33  + - %B33  + %B33
      27         27         27         9         3         9
      4     2
      - %B33  - %B33 - 2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B33   - -- %B33   - -- %B33   + -- %B33   + -- %B33   + -- %B33
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B33  - -- %B33  - -- %B33  - - %B33  - - %B33  - - %B33  - %B33
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B33  + - %B33 + -
        3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B33   - -- %B33   - -- %B33   + -- %B33   + -- %B33   + -- %B33
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B33  - -- %B33  - -- %B33  - - %B33  - - %B33  - - %B33  - %B33
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B33  + - %B33 + -
        3         2        2
       1     15    2     14    1     13    4     12   11     11    4     10
      -- %B34   + -- %B34   + -- %B34   - -- %B34   - -- %B34   - -- %B34
      27          27          27          27          27          27
       1     9   14     8    1     7   2     6   1     5   2     4       3
      -- %B34  + -- %B34  + -- %B34  + - %B34  + - %B34  + - %B34  + %B34
      27         27         27         9         3         9
      4     2
      - %B34  - %B34 - 2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B34   - -- %B34   - -- %B34   + -- %B34   + -- %B34   + -- %B34
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B34  - -- %B34  - -- %B34  - - %B34  - - %B34  - - %B34  - %B34
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B34  + - %B34 + -
        3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B34   - -- %B34   - -- %B34   + -- %B34   + -- %B34   + -- %B34
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B34  - -- %B34  - -- %B34  - - %B34  - - %B34  - - %B34  - %B34
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B34  + - %B34 + -
        3         2        2
 [- 1,1,0,1], [- 1,1,1,0],
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B23   - -- %B23   - -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B23  - -- %B23  - -- %B23  - - %B23  - - %B23  - - %B23  - %B23
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B23  + - %B23 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B30 + -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23   - -- %B23   - -- %B23
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B23   + -- %B23  + -- %B23  + -- %B23  + - %B23  + - %B23
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B23  + - %B23  - - %B23 - -
      9         3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B23   - -- %B23   - -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B23  - -- %B23  - -- %B23  - - %B23  - - %B23  - - %B23  - %B23
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B23  + - %B23 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B31 + -- %B23   + -- %B23   + -- %B23   - -- %B23   - -- %B23
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B23   + -- %B23  + -- %B23  + -- %B23  + - %B23  + - %B23
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B23  + - %B23  - - %B23 - -
      9         3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B24   - -- %B24   - -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B24  - -- %B24  - -- %B24  - - %B24  - - %B24  - - %B24  - %B24
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B24  + - %B24 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B28 + -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24   - -- %B24   - -- %B24
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B24   + -- %B24  + -- %B24  + -- %B24  + - %B24  + - %B24
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B24  + - %B24  - - %B24 - -
      9         3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B24   - -- %B24   - -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B24  - -- %B24  - -- %B24  - - %B24  - - %B24  - - %B24  - %B24
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B24  + - %B24 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B29 + -- %B24   + -- %B24   + -- %B24   - -- %B24   - -- %B24
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B24   + -- %B24  + -- %B24  + -- %B24  + - %B24  + - %B24
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B24  + - %B24  - - %B24 - -
      9         3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B25   - -- %B25   - -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B25  - -- %B25  - -- %B25  - - %B25  - - %B25  - - %B25  - %B25
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B25  + - %B25 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B26 + -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25   - -- %B25   - -- %B25
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B25   + -- %B25  + -- %B25  + -- %B25  + - %B25  + - %B25
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B25  + - %B25  - - %B25 - -
      9         3         2        2
         1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11    2     10
      - -- %B25   - -- %B25   - -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25
        54          27          54          27          54          27
         1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5   1     4       3
      - -- %B25  - -- %B25  - -- %B25  - - %B25  - - %B25  - - %B25  - %B25
        54         27         54         9         6         9
        2     2   1        3
      - - %B25  + - %B25 + -
        3         2        2
                1     15    1     14    1     13    2     12   11     11
      - %B27 + -- %B25   + -- %B25   + -- %B25   - -- %B25   - -- %B25
               54          27          54          27          54
         2     10    1     9    7     8    1     7   1     6   1     5
      - -- %B25   + -- %B25  + -- %B25  + -- %B25  + - %B25  + - %B25
        27          54         27         54         9         6
      1     4   2     2   1        1
      - %B25  + - %B25  - - %B25 - -
      9         3         2        2
 [1,%B21,- %B21,0], [1,%B22,- %B22,0], [1,%B19,0,- %B19], [1,%B20,0,- %B20],
         1     3   1   1     3   1   1     3   1
 [%B17,- - %B17  + -,- - %B17  + -,- - %B17  + -],
         3         3   3         3   3         3
         1     3   1   1     3   1   1     3   1
 [%B18,- - %B18  + -,- - %B18  + -,- - %B18  + -]]
         3         3   3         3   3         3
                    Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

The number of real solutions for the input system is:

                             Type: PositiveInteger

Another example of computation of real solutions illustrates the LexTriangularPackage package constructor.

We concentrate now on the solutions with real (strictly) positive coordinates:

lpr2 := positiveSolve(lf)$pack
            1     3   1   1     3   1   1     3   1
   [[%B40,- - %B40  + -,- - %B40  + -,- - %B40  + -]]
            3         3   3         3   3         3
                           Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

Finally, we approximate the coordinates of this point with 20 exact digits:

[approximate(r,1/10**21)::Float for r in lpr2.1]
 [0.3221853546 2608559291, 0.3221853546 2608559291, 0.3221853546 2608559291,
  0.3221853546 2608559291]
                           Type: List Float

See Also:

  • )show ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage

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