Given any ring R, the ring of the Integer-linear operators over R is called Operator(R). To create an operator over R, first create a basic operator using the operation operator, and then convert it to Operator(R) for the R you want.
We choose R to be the two by two matrices over the integers.
Type: Domain
Create the operator tilde on R.
t := operator("tilde") :: OP(R)
Type: Operator SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Since Operator is unexposed we must either package-call operations from it, or expose it explicitly. For convenience we will do the latter.
Expose Operator.
)set expose add constructor Operator
To attach an evaluation function (from R to R) to an operator over R, use evaluate(op, f) where op is an operator over R and f is a function R -> R. This needs to be done only once when the operator is defined. Note that f must be Integer-linear (that is, f(ax+y) = a f(x) + f(y) for any integer a, and any x and y in R).
We now attach the transpose map to the above operator t.
evaluate(t, m +-> transpose m)
Type: Operator SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Operators can be manipulated formally as in any ring: + is the pointwise addition and * is composition. Any element x of R can be converted to an operator op(x) over R, and the evaluation function of op(x) is left-multiplication by x.
Multiplying on the left by this matrix swaps the two rows.
s : R := matrix [ [0, 1], [1, 0] ]
+0 1+
| |
+1 0+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Can you guess what is the action of the following operator?
rho := t * s
+0 1+
tilde| |
+1 0+
Type: Operator SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Hint: applying rho four times gives the identity, so rho^4-1 should return 0 when applied to any two by two matrix.
z := rho**4 - 1
+0 1+ +0 1+ +0 1+ +0 1+
- 1 + tilde| |tilde| |tilde| |tilde| |
+1 0+ +1 0+ +1 0+ +1 0+
Type: Operator SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Now check with this matrix.
m:R := matrix [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ]
+1 2+
| |
+3 4+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
z m
+0 0+
| |
+0 0+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
As you have probably guessed by now, rho acts on matrices by rotating the elements clockwise.
rho m
+3 1+
| |
+4 2+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
rho rho m
+4 3+
| |
+2 1+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
(rho^3) m
+2 4+
| |
+1 3+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Do the swapping of rows and transposition commute? We can check by computing their bracket.
b := t * s - s * t
+0 1+ +0 1+
- | |tilde + tilde| |
+1 0+ +1 0+
Type: Operator SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Now apply it to m.
b m
+1 - 3+
| |
+3 - 1+
Type: SquareMatrix(2,Integer)
Next we demonstrate how to define a differential operator on a polynomial ring.
This is the recursive definition of the n-th Legendre polynomial.
L n ==
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => x
(2*n-1)/n * x * L(n-1) - (n-1)/n * L(n-2)
Type: Void
Create the differential operator d/dx on polynomials in x over the rational numbers.
dx := operator("D") :: OP(POLY FRAC INT)
Type: Operator Polynomial Fraction Integer
Now attach the map to it.
evaluate(dx, p +-> D(p, 'x))
Type: Operator Polynomial Fraction Integer
This is the differential equation satisfied by the n-th Legendre polynomial.
E n == (1 - x**2) * dx**2 - 2 * x * dx + n*(n+1)
Type: Void
Now we verify this for n = 15. Here is the polynomial.
L 15
9694845 15 35102025 13 50702925 11 37182145 9 14549535 7
------- x - -------- x + -------- x - -------- x + -------- x
2048 2048 2048 2048 2048
2909907 5 255255 3 6435
- ------- x + ------ x - ---- x
2048 2048 2048
Type: Polynomial Fraction Integer
Here is the operator.
E 15
240 - 2x D - (x - 1)D
Type: Operator Polynomial Fraction Integer
Here is the evaluation.
(E 15)(L 15)
Type: Polynomial Fraction Integer
See Also: