Lex Triangular PackageΒΆ

The LexTriangularPackage package constructor provides an implementation of the lexTriangular algorithm [Lazard]. This algorithm decomposes a zero-dimensional variety into zero-sets of regular triangular sets. Thus the input system must have a finite number of complex solutions. Moreover, this system needs to be a lexicographical Groebner basis.

This package takes two arguments: the coefficient-ring R of the polynomials, which must be a GcdDomain and their set of variables given by ls a List Symbol. The type of the input polynomials must be NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,V) where V is OrderedVariableList(ls). The abbreviation for LexTriangularPackage is LEXTRIPK. The main operations are lexTriangular and squareFreeLexTriangular. The later provide decompositions by means of square-free regular triangular sets, built with the SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet constructor, whereas the former uses the RegularTriangularSet constructor. Note that these constructors also implement another algorithm for solving algebraic systems by means of regular triangular sets; in that case no computations of Groebner bases are needed and the input system may have any dimension (i.e. it may have an infinite number of solutions).

The implementation of the lexTriangular algorithm provided in the LexTriangularPackage constructor differs from that reported in “Computations of gcd over algebraic towers of simple extensions” by M. Moreno Maza and R. Rioboo (in proceedings of AAECC11, Paris, 1995). Indeed, the squareFreeLexTriangular operation removes all multiplicities of the solutions (i.e. the computed solutions are pairwise different) and the lexTriangular operation may keep some multiplicities; this later operation runs generally faster than the former.

The interest of the lexTriangular algorithm is due to the following experimental remark. For some examples, a triangular decomposition of a zero-dimensional variety can be computed faster via a lexicographical Groebner basis computation than by using a direct method (like that of SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet and RegularTriangularSet). This happens typically when the total degree of the system relies essentially on its smallest variable (like in the Katsura systems). When this is not the case, the direct method may give better timings (like in the Rose system).

Of course, the direct method can also be applied to a lexicographical Groebner basis. However, the lexTriangular algorithm takes advantage of the structure of this basis and avoids many unnecessary computations which are performed by the direct method.

For this purpose of solving algebraic systems with a finite number of solutions, see also the ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage. It allows to use both strategies (the lexTriangular algorithm and the direct method) for computing either the complex or real roots of a system.

Note that the way of understanding triangular decompositions is detailed in the example of the RegularTriangularSet constructor.

Since the LexTriangularPackage package constructor is limited to zero-dimensional systems, it provides a zeroDimensional? operation to check whether this requirement holds. There is also a groebner operation to compute the lexicographical Groebner basis of a set of polynomials with type NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,V). The elimination ordering is that given by ls (the greatest variable being the first element of ls). This basis is computed by the FLGM algorithm [Faugere] implemented in the LinGroebnerPackage package constructor.

Once a lexicographical Groebner basis is computed, then one can call the operations lexTriangular and squareFreeLexTriangular. Note that these operations admit an optional argument to produce normalized triangular sets. There is also a zeroSetSplit operation which does all the job from the input system; an error is produced if this system is not zero-dimensional.

Let us illustrate the facilities of the LexTriangularPackage constructor by a famous example, the cyclic-6 root system.

Define the coefficient ring.

R := Integer
                     Type: Domain

Define the list of variables,

ls : List Symbol := [a,b,c,d,e,f]
                    Type: List Symbol

and make it an ordered set.

V := OVAR(ls)
  OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f]
                    Type: Domain

Define the polynomial ring.

P := NSMP(R, V)
 NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])
                    Type: Domain

Define the polynomials.

p1: P :=  a*b*c*d*e*f - 1
 f e d c b a - 1
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

p2: P := a*b*c*d*e +a*b*c*d*f +a*b*c*e*f +a*b*d*e*f +a*c*d*e*f +b*c*d*e*f
 ((((e + f)d + f e)c + f e d)b + f e d c)a + f e d c b
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

p3: P :=  a*b*c*d + a*b*c*f + a*b*e*f + a*d*e*f + b*c*d*e + c*d*e*f
 (((d + f)c + f e)b + f e d)a + e d c b + f e d c
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

p4: P := a*b*c + a*b*f + a*e*f + b*c*d + c*d*e + d*e*f
 ((c + f)b + f e)a + d c b + e d c + f e d
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

p5: P := a*b + a*f + b*c + c*d + d*e + e*f
 (b + f)a + c b + d c + e d + f e
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

p6: P := a + b + c + d + e + f
 a + b + c + d + e + f
  Type: NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                        OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

lp := [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6]
  [f e d c b a - 1, ((((e + f)d + f e)c + f e d)b + f e d c)a + f e d c b,
   (((d + f)c + f e)b + f e d)a + e d c b + f e d c,
   ((c + f)b + f e)a + d c b + e d c + f e d,
   (b + f)a + c b + d c + e d + f e, a + b + c + d + e + f]
 Type: List NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                         OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

Now call LEXTRIPK.

lextripack :=  LEXTRIPK(R,ls)
                      Type: Domain

Compute the lexicographical Groebner basis of the system. This may take between 5 minutes and one hour, depending on your machine.

lg := groebner(lp)$lextripack
 [a + b + c + d + e + f,
                      2                                           2
    3968379498283200b  + 15873517993132800f b + 3968379498283200d

  ... **OUPUT CUT**
                        26                 20                     14
    - 12090487758628245f   - 8787672733575f   + 12083693383005045f
                     8                  2
    9672870290826025f  + 68544102808525f
  48        42          36          30          18          12        6
 f   - 2554f   - 399710f   - 499722f   + 499722f   + 399710f   + 2554f  - 1]
Type: List NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
  OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

Apply lexTriangular to compute a decomposition into regular triangular sets. This should not take more than 5 seconds.

   6       6       5     2 4     3 3     4 2     5
 {f  + 1, e  - 3f e  + 3f e  - 4f e  + 3f e  - 3f e - 1,
        2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
  3d + f e  - 4f e  + 4f e  - 2f e  - 2e + 2f, c + f,
         2 5     3 4     4 3      5 2
  3b + 2f e  - 5f e  + 5f e  - 10f e  - 4e + 7f,
       2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
  a - f e  + 3f e  - 3f e  + 4f e  + 3e - 3f}
  6                  2           2                    2
{f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c  + 4f c + f ,(c - f)b - f c - 5f ,a + b + c + 3f},
  6                        2           2
{f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c - f,b  + 4f b + f ,a + b + 4f},
  6            2           2                    2
{f  - 1,e - f,d  + 4f d + f ,(d - f)c - f d - 5f ,b - f,a + c + d + 3f},
    36        30          24          18          12        6
 {f   - 2554f   - 399709f   - 502276f   - 399709f   - 2554f  + 1,
                 12              2
     (161718564f   - 161718564)e
                  31              25                19                13
         - 504205f   + 1287737951f   + 201539391380f   + 253982817368f
         201940704665f  + 1574134601f
               32              26                 20                 14
     - 2818405f   + 7198203911f   + 1126548149060f   + 1416530563364f
                   8              2
     1127377589345f  + 7988820725f
                    6                                 2 5                 3 4
     (693772639560f  - 693772639560)d - 462515093040f e  + 1850060372160f e
                     4 3                     11                  5  2
     - 1850060372160f e  + (- 24513299931120f   - 23588269745040f )e
                     30                 24                   18
         - 890810428f   + 2275181044754f   + 355937263869776f
                         12                   6
         413736880104344f   + 342849304487996f  + 3704966481878
                  31                  25                    19
     - 4163798003f   + 10634395752169f   + 1664161760192806f
                      13                    7
     2079424391370694f   + 1668153650635921f  + 10924274392693f
                   6                           31               25
     (12614047992f  - 12614047992)c - 7246825f   + 18508536599f
                   19                 13                 7
     2896249516034f   + 3581539649666f   + 2796477571739f  - 48094301893f
                    6                                 2 5                 3 4
     (693772639560f  - 693772639560)b - 925030186080f e  + 2312575465200f e
                     4 3                     11                  5  2
     - 2312575465200f e  + (- 40007555547960f   - 35382404617560f )e
                      30                 24                    18
         - 3781280823f   + 9657492291789f   + 1511158913397906f
                          12                    6
         1837290892286154f   + 1487216006594361f  + 8077238712093
                  31                  25                    19
     - 9736390478f   + 24866827916734f   + 3891495681905296f
                      13                    7
     4872556418871424f   + 3904047887269606f  + 27890075838538f
  a + b + c + d + e + f}
  6      2           2                    2
{f  - 1,e  + 4f e + f ,(e - f)d - f e - 5f ,c - f,b - f,a + d + e + 3f}]
                           Type: List RegularChain(Integer,[a,b,c,d,e,f])

Note that the first set of the decomposition is normalized (all initials are integer numbers) but not the second one (normalized triangular sets are defined in the description of the NormalizedTriangularSetCategory constructor).

So apply now lexTriangular to produce normalized triangular sets.

lts := lexTriangular(lg,true)$lextripack
    6       6       5     2 4     3 3     4 2     5
  {f  + 1, e  - 3f e  + 3f e  - 4f e  + 3f e  - 3f e - 1,
         2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
   3d + f e  - 4f e  + 4f e  - 2f e  - 2e + 2f, c + f,
          2 5     3 4     4 3      5 2
   3b + 2f e  - 5f e  + 5f e  - 10f e  - 4e + 7f,
        2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
   a - f e  + 3f e  - 3f e  + 4f e  + 3e - 3f}
   6                  2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c  + 4f c + f ,b + c + 4f,a - f},
   6                        2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c - f,b  + 4f b + f ,a + b + 4f},
   6            2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d  + 4f d + f ,c + d + 4f,b - f,a - f},
     36        30          24          18          12        6
  {f   - 2554f   - 399709f   - 502276f   - 399709f   - 2554f  + 1,
                     31                  25                    19
          4321823003f   - 11037922310209f   - 1727506390124986f
                             13                    7
          - 2176188913464634f   - 1732620732685741f  - 13506088516033f
                  32                  26                    20
      24177661775f   - 61749727185325f   - 9664082618092450f
                          14                    8                  2
      - 12152237485813570f   - 9672870290826025f  - 68544102808525f
                       30                 24                   18
          - 1128983050f   + 2883434331830f   + 451234998755840f
                          12                   6
          562426491685760f   + 447129055314890f  - 165557857270
                   31                 25                   19
      - 1816935351f   + 4640452214013f   + 726247129626942f
                      13                   7
      912871801716798f   + 726583262666877f  + 4909358645961f
                                  31                 25                   19
      1387545279120c + 778171189f   - 1987468196267f   - 310993556954378f
                        13                   7
      - 383262822316802f   - 300335488637543f  + 5289595037041f
                     30                 24                   18
          1128983050f   - 2883434331830f   - 451234998755840f
                            12                   6
          - 562426491685760f   - 447129055314890f  + 165557857270
                   31                 25                    19
      - 3283058841f   + 8384938292463f   + 1312252817452422f
                       13                    7
      1646579934064638f   + 1306372958656407f  + 4694680112151f
                                                    31                  25
      1387545279120a + 1387545279120e + 4321823003f   - 11037922310209f
                         19                    13                    7
      - 1727506390124986f   - 2176188913464634f   - 1732620732685741f
      - 13506088516033f
   6      2           2
 {f  - 1,e  + 4f e + f ,d + e + 4f,c - f,b - f,a - f}]
                            Type: List RegularChain(Integer,[a,b,c,d,e,f])

We check that all initials are constant.

[ [init(p) for p in (ts :: List(P))] for ts in lts]
 [[1,3,1,3,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1],
   Type: List List NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,
                                     OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f])

Note that each triangular set in lts is a lexicographical Groebner basis. Recall that a point belongs to the variety associated with lp if and only if it belongs to that associated with one triangular set ts in lts.

By running the squareFreeLexTriangular operation, we retrieve the above decomposition.

    6       6       5     2 4     3 3     4 2     5
  {f  + 1, e  - 3f e  + 3f e  - 4f e  + 3f e  - 3f e - 1,
         2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
   3d + f e  - 4f e  + 4f e  - 2f e  - 2e + 2f, c + f,
          2 5     3 4     4 3      5 2
   3b + 2f e  - 5f e  + 5f e  - 10f e  - 4e + 7f,
        2 5     3 4     4 3     5 2
   a - f e  + 3f e  - 3f e  + 4f e  + 3e - 3f}
   6                  2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c  + 4f c + f ,b + c + 4f,a - f},
   6                        2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d - f,c - f,b  + 4f b + f ,a + b + 4f},
   6            2           2
 {f  - 1,e - f,d  + 4f d + f ,c + d + 4f,b - f,a - f},
     36        30          24          18          12        6
  {f   - 2554f   - 399709f   - 502276f   - 399709f   - 2554f  + 1,
                     31                  25                    19
          4321823003f   - 11037922310209f   - 1727506390124986f
                             13                    7
          - 2176188913464634f   - 1732620732685741f  - 13506088516033f
                  32                  26                    20
      24177661775f   - 61749727185325f   - 9664082618092450f
                          14                    8                  2
      - 12152237485813570f   - 9672870290826025f  - 68544102808525f
                       30                 24                   18
          - 1128983050f   + 2883434331830f   + 451234998755840f
                          12                   6
          562426491685760f   + 447129055314890f  - 165557857270
                   31                 25                   19
      - 1816935351f   + 4640452214013f   + 726247129626942f
                      13                   7
      912871801716798f   + 726583262666877f  + 4909358645961f
                                  31                 25                   19
      1387545279120c + 778171189f   - 1987468196267f   - 310993556954378f
                        13                   7
      - 383262822316802f   - 300335488637543f  + 5289595037041f
                     30                 24                   18
          1128983050f   - 2883434331830f   - 451234998755840f
                            12                   6
          - 562426491685760f   - 447129055314890f  + 165557857270
                   31                 25                    19
      - 3283058841f   + 8384938292463f   + 1312252817452422f
                       13                    7
      1646579934064638f   + 1306372958656407f  + 4694680112151f
                                                    31                  25
      1387545279120a + 1387545279120e + 4321823003f   - 11037922310209f
                         19                    13                    7
      - 1727506390124986f   - 2176188913464634f   - 1732620732685741f
      - 13506088516033f
   6      2           2
 {f  - 1,e  + 4f e + f ,d + e + 4f,c - f,b - f,a - f}]
Type: List SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet(Integer,
             IndexedExponents OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f],
             OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f],
                              OrderedVariableList [a,b,c,d,e,f]))

Thus the solutions given by lts are pairwise different.

We count them as follows.

reduce(+,[degree(ts) for ts in lts])
                    Type: PositiveInteger

We can investigate the triangular decomposition lts by using the ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage.

This requires to add an extra variable (smaller than the others) as follows.

ls2 : List Symbol := concat(ls,new()$Symbol)
                    Type: List Symbol

Then we call the package.

zdpack := ZDSOLVE(R,ls,ls2)
 (20)  ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage(Integer,[a,b,c,d,e,f],[a,b,c,d,e,f,%A])
                    Type: Domain

We compute a univariate representation of the variety associated with the input system as follows.

concat [univariateSolve(ts)$zdpack for ts in lts]
                  4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 13?  + 49,
     coordinates =
              3                3                3                3
      [7a + %A  - 6%A, 21b + %A  + %A, 21c - 2%A  + 19%A, 7d - %A  + 6%A,
               3                3
       21e - %A  - %A, 21f + 2%A  - 19%A]
                   4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 11?  + 49,
     coordinates =
                3                 3                  3
      [35a + 3%A  + 19%A, 35b + %A  + 18%A, 35c - 2%A  - %A,
                3                 3                  3
       35d - 3%A  - 19%A, 35e - %A  - 18%A, 35f + 2%A  + %A]
    complexRoots =
       8      7      6       5       4       3       2
      ?  - 12?  + 58?  - 120?  + 207?  - 360?  + 802?  - 1332? + 1369
     coordinates =
                             7           6            5            4
          43054532a + 33782%A  - 546673%A  + 3127348%A  - 6927123%A
                   3             2
          4365212%A  - 25086957%A  + 39582814%A - 107313172
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532b - 33782%A  + 546673%A  - 3127348%A  + 6927123%A
                     3             2
          - 4365212%A  + 25086957%A  - 39582814%A + 107313172
                              7           6            5            4
          21527266c - 22306%A  + 263139%A  - 1166076%A  + 1821805%A
                     3             2
          - 2892788%A  + 10322663%A  - 9026596%A + 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532d + 22306%A  - 263139%A  + 1166076%A  - 1821805%A
                   3             2
          2892788%A  - 10322663%A  + 30553862%A - 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532e - 22306%A  + 263139%A  - 1166076%A  + 1821805%A
                     3             2
          - 2892788%A  + 10322663%A  - 30553862%A + 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          21527266f + 22306%A  - 263139%A  + 1166076%A  - 1821805%A
                   3             2
          2892788%A  - 10322663%A  + 9026596%A - 12950740
    complexRoots =
       8      7      6       5       4       3       2
      ?  + 12?  + 58?  + 120?  + 207?  + 360?  + 802?  + 1332? + 1369
     coordinates =
                             7           6            5            4
          43054532a + 33782%A  + 546673%A  + 3127348%A  + 6927123%A
                   3             2
          4365212%A  + 25086957%A  + 39582814%A + 107313172
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532b - 33782%A  - 546673%A  - 3127348%A  - 6927123%A
                     3             2
          - 4365212%A  - 25086957%A  - 39582814%A - 107313172
                              7           6            5            4
          21527266c - 22306%A  - 263139%A  - 1166076%A  - 1821805%A
                     3             2
          - 2892788%A  - 10322663%A  - 9026596%A - 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532d + 22306%A  + 263139%A  + 1166076%A  + 1821805%A
                   3             2
          2892788%A  + 10322663%A  + 30553862%A + 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          43054532e - 22306%A  - 263139%A  - 1166076%A  - 1821805%A
                     3             2
          - 2892788%A  - 10322663%A  - 30553862%A - 12950740
                              7           6            5            4
          21527266f + 22306%A  + 263139%A  + 1166076%A  + 1821805%A
                   3             2
          2892788%A  + 10322663%A  + 9026596%A + 12950740
                   4    2
  [complexRoots= ?  - ?  + 1,
                              3            3              3            3
   coordinates= [a - %A,b + %A  - %A,c + %A ,d + %A,e - %A  + %A,f - %A ]]
                   8     6      4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 4?  + 12?  + 16?  + 4,
     coordinates =
               7      5       3                 7      5       3
      [4a - 2%A  - 7%A  - 20%A  - 22%A, 4b + 2%A  + 7%A  + 20%A  + 22%A,
              7      5       3                7      5       3
       4c + %A  + 3%A  + 10%A  + 10%A, 4d + %A  + 3%A  + 10%A  + 6%A,
              7      5       3               7      5       3
       4e - %A  - 3%A  - 10%A  - 6%A, 4f - %A  - 3%A  - 10%A  - 10%A]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 30?  + 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                    3      2
      [30a - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 6b + %A  + 5%A  + 24%A + 6,
               3      2              3      2
       30c - %A  - 5%A  - 6, 30d - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30f - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 30?  - 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                    3      2
      [30a - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 6b + %A  - 5%A  + 24%A - 6,
               3      2              3      2
       30c - %A  + 5%A  + 6, 30d - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30f - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6]
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a + 1,b - %A - 5,c + %A + 1,d + 1,e + 1,f + 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a - 1,b - %A + 5,c + %A - 1,d - 1,e - 1,f - 1]]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 30?  + 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
              3      2                     3      2
      [6a + %A  + 5%A  + 24%A + 6, 30b - %A  - 5%A  - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30c - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30d - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30f - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 30?  - 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
              3      2                     3      2
      [6a + %A  - 5%A  + 24%A - 6, 30b - %A  + 5%A  + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30c - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30d - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30f - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6]
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a - %A - 5,b + %A + 1,c + 1,d + 1,e + 1,f + 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a - %A + 5,b + %A - 1,c - 1,d - 1,e - 1,f - 1]]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 30?  + 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                     3      2
      [30a - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30b - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6,
              3      2                     3      2
       6c + %A  + 5%A  + 24%A + 6, 30d - %A  - 5%A  - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30f - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 30?  - 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                     3      2
      [30a - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30b - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6,
              3      2                     3      2
       6c + %A  - 5%A  + 24%A - 6, 30d - %A  + 5%A  + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30f - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6]
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a + 1,b + 1,c - %A - 5,d + %A + 1,e + 1,f + 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a - 1,b - 1,c - %A + 5,d + %A - 1,e - 1,f - 1]]
                   8     7      6      5      4     2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 16?  + 24?  + 18?  - 8?  + 4,
     coordinates =
               7      6       5       4      3       2
      [2a + 2%A  + 9%A  + 18%A  + 19%A  + 4%A  - 10%A  - 2%A + 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2b + 2%A  + 9%A  + 18%A  + 19%A  + 4%A  - 10%A  - 4%A + 4,
              7      6      5      4      3
       2c - %A  - 4%A  - 8%A  - 9%A  - 4%A  - 2%A - 4,
              7      6      5      4      3
       2d + %A  + 4%A  + 8%A  + 9%A  + 4%A  + 2%A + 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2e - 2%A  - 9%A  - 18%A  - 19%A  - 4%A  + 10%A  + 4%A - 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2f - 2%A  - 9%A  - 18%A  - 19%A  - 4%A  + 10%A  + 2%A - 4]
    complexRoots =
       8      7      6       5       4       3        2
      ?  + 12?  + 64?  + 192?  + 432?  + 768?  + 1024?  + 768? + 256
     coordinates =
                      7        6        5         4         3         2
          1408a - 19%A  - 200%A  - 912%A  - 2216%A  - 4544%A  - 6784%A
          - 6976%A - 1792
                       7        6         5         4          3          2
          1408b - 37%A  - 408%A  - 1952%A  - 5024%A  - 10368%A  - 16768%A
          - 17920%A - 5120
                       7        6         5         4          3          2
          1408c + 37%A  + 408%A  + 1952%A  + 5024%A  + 10368%A  + 16768%A
          17920%A + 5120
                       7        6        5         4         3         2
          1408d + 19%A  + 200%A  + 912%A  + 2216%A  + 4544%A  + 6784%A
          6976%A + 1792
       2e + %A, 2f - %A]
                   8     6      4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 4?  + 12?  + 16?  + 4,
     coordinates =
              7      5       3               7      5       3
      [4a - %A  - 3%A  - 10%A  - 6%A, 4b - %A  - 3%A  - 10%A  - 10%A,
               7      5       3                 7      5       3
       4c - 2%A  - 7%A  - 20%A  - 22%A, 4d + 2%A  + 7%A  + 20%A  + 22%A,
              7      5       3                7      5       3
       4e + %A  + 3%A  + 10%A  + 10%A, 4f + %A  + 3%A  + 10%A  + 6%A]
                   8      6      4       2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 16?  - 96?  + 256?  + 256,
     coordinates =
                7       5        3
      [512a - %A  - 12%A  + 176%A  - 448%A,
                7       5       3
       128b - %A  - 16%A  + 96%A  - 256%A,
                7       5       3
       128c + %A  + 16%A  - 96%A  + 256%A,
                7       5        3
       512d + %A  + 12%A  - 176%A  + 448%A, 2e + %A, 2f - %A]
    complexRoots =
       8      7      6       5       4       3        2
      ?  - 12?  + 64?  - 192?  + 432?  - 768?  + 1024?  - 768? + 256
     coordinates =
                      7        6        5         4         3         2
          1408a - 19%A  + 200%A  - 912%A  + 2216%A  - 4544%A  + 6784%A
          - 6976%A + 1792
                       7        6         5         4          3          2
          1408b - 37%A  + 408%A  - 1952%A  + 5024%A  - 10368%A  + 16768%A
          - 17920%A + 5120
                       7        6         5         4          3          2
          1408c + 37%A  - 408%A  + 1952%A  - 5024%A  + 10368%A  - 16768%A
          17920%A - 5120
                       7        6        5         4         3         2
          1408d + 19%A  - 200%A  + 912%A  - 2216%A  + 4544%A  - 6784%A
          6976%A - 1792
       2e + %A, 2f - %A]
                   8     7      6      5      4     2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 16?  - 24?  + 18?  - 8?  + 4,
     coordinates =
               7      6       5       4      3       2
      [2a + 2%A  - 9%A  + 18%A  - 19%A  + 4%A  + 10%A  - 2%A - 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2b + 2%A  - 9%A  + 18%A  - 19%A  + 4%A  + 10%A  - 4%A - 4,
              7      6      5      4      3
       2c - %A  + 4%A  - 8%A  + 9%A  - 4%A  - 2%A + 4,
              7      6      5      4      3
       2d + %A  - 4%A  + 8%A  - 9%A  + 4%A  + 2%A - 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2e - 2%A  + 9%A  - 18%A  + 19%A  - 4%A  - 10%A  + 4%A + 4,
               7      6       5       4      3       2
       2f - 2%A  + 9%A  - 18%A  + 19%A  - 4%A  - 10%A  + 2%A + 4]
                   4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 12?  + 144,
     coordinates =
               2               2               2               2
      [12a - %A  - 12, 12b - %A  - 12, 12c - %A  - 12, 12d - %A  - 12,
              2                    2
       6e + %A  + 3%A + 12, 6f + %A  - 3%A + 12]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 30?  + 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
              3      2                     3      2
      [6a - %A  - 5%A  - 24%A - 6, 30b + %A  + 5%A  + 30%A + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30c + %A  + 5%A  + 30%A + 6, 30d + %A  + 5%A  + 30%A + 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e + %A  + 5%A  + 30%A + 6, 30f + %A  + 5%A  + 6]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 30?  - 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
              3      2                     3      2
      [6a - %A  + 5%A  - 24%A + 6, 30b + %A  - 5%A  + 30%A - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30c + %A  - 5%A  + 30%A - 6, 30d + %A  - 5%A  + 30%A - 6,
               3      2                     3      2
       30e + %A  - 5%A  + 30%A - 6, 30f + %A  - 5%A  - 6]
                   4      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 12?  + 144,
     coordinates =
               2               2               2               2
      [12a + %A  + 12, 12b + %A  + 12, 12c + %A  + 12, 12d + %A  + 12,
              2                    2
       6e - %A  + 3%A - 12, 6f - %A  - 3%A - 12]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 12,
   coordinates= [a - 1,b - 1,c - 1,d - 1,2e + %A + 4,2f - %A + 4]]
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a + %A + 5,b - 1,c - 1,d - 1,e - 1,f - %A - 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a + %A - 5,b + 1,c + 1,d + 1,e + 1,f - %A + 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 12,
   coordinates= [a + 1,b + 1,c + 1,d + 1,2e + %A - 4,2f - %A - 4]]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6?  + 30?  + 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                     3      2
      [30a - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 30b - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6,
               3      2                    3      2
       30c - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6, 6d + %A  + 5%A  + 24%A + 6,
               3      2              3      2
       30e - %A  - 5%A  - 6, 30f - %A  - 5%A  - 30%A - 6]
                   4     3      2
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6?  + 30?  - 36? + 36,
     coordinates =
               3      2                     3      2
      [30a - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 30b - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6,
               3      2                    3      2
       30c - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6, 6d + %A  - 5%A  + 24%A - 6,
               3      2              3      2
       30e - %A  + 5%A  + 6, 30f - %A  + 5%A  - 30%A + 6]
  [complexRoots= ?  + 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a + 1,b + 1,c + 1,d - %A - 5,e + %A + 1,f + 1]]
  [complexRoots= ?  - 6? + 6,
   coordinates= [a - 1,b - 1,c - 1,d - %A + 5,e + %A - 1,f - 1]]
Type: List Record(complexRoots: SparseUnivariatePolynomial Integer,
                  coordinates: List Polynomial Integer)

Since the univariateSolve operation may split a regular set, it returns a list. This explains the use of concat.

Look at the last item of the result. It consists of two parts. For any complex root ? of the univariate polynomial in the first part, we get a tuple of univariate polynomials (in a, ...,f respectively) by replacing %A by ? in the second part. Each of these tuples t describes a point of the variety associated with lp by equaling to zero the polynomials in t.

Note that the way of reading these univariate representations is explained also in the example illustrating the ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage constructor.

Now, we compute the points of the variety with real coordinates.

concat [realSolve(ts)$zdpack for ts in lts]
[[%B1,%B1,%B1,%B5,- %B5 - 4%B1,%B1], [%B1,%B1,%B1,%B6,- %B6 - 4%B1,%B1],
 [%B2,%B2,%B2,%B3,- %B3 - 4%B2,%B2], [%B2,%B2,%B2,%B4,- %B4 - 4%B2,%B2],
 [%B7,%B7,%B7,%B7,%B11,- %B11 - 4%B7], [%B7,%B7,%B7,%B7,%B12,- %B12 - 4%B7],
 [%B8,%B8,%B8,%B8,%B9,- %B9 - 4%B8], [%B8,%B8,%B8,%B8,%B10,- %B10 - 4%B8],
 [%B13,%B13,%B17,- %B17 - 4%B13,%B13,%B13],
 [%B13,%B13,%B18,- %B18 - 4%B13,%B13,%B13],
 [%B14,%B14,%B15,- %B15 - 4%B14,%B14,%B14],
 [%B14,%B14,%B16,- %B16 - 4%B14,%B14,%B14],
   [%B19, %B29,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B19   - ---------- %B19   - ----------- %B19
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B19   - ------------- %B19  - ----------- %B19
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B19   + ------------- %B19   + --------------- %B19
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B19   + --------------- %B19  - ------------ %B19
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B19   - ------------- %B19   - --------------- %B19
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B19   - --------------- %B19  - ------------- %B19
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B29 - ------------- %B19   + ------------ %B19
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B19   + ---------------- %B19
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B19  + -------------- %B19
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B19, %B30,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B19   - ---------- %B19   - ----------- %B19
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B19   - ------------- %B19  - ----------- %B19
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B19   + ------------- %B19   + --------------- %B19
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B19   + --------------- %B19  - ------------ %B19
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B19   - ------------- %B19   - --------------- %B19
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B19   - --------------- %B19  - ------------- %B19
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B30 - ------------- %B19   + ------------ %B19
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B19   + ---------------- %B19
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B19  + -------------- %B19
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B20, %B27,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B20   - ---------- %B20   - ----------- %B20
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B20   - ------------- %B20  - ----------- %B20
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B20   + ------------- %B20   + --------------- %B20
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B20   + --------------- %B20  - ------------ %B20
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B20   - ------------- %B20   - --------------- %B20
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B20   - --------------- %B20  - ------------- %B20
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B27 - ------------- %B20   + ------------ %B20
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B20   + ---------------- %B20
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B20  + -------------- %B20
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B20, %B28,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B20   - ---------- %B20   - ----------- %B20
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B20   - ------------- %B20  - ----------- %B20
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B20   + ------------- %B20   + --------------- %B20
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B20   + --------------- %B20  - ------------ %B20
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B20   - ------------- %B20   - --------------- %B20
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B20   - --------------- %B20  - ------------- %B20
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B28 - ------------- %B20   + ------------ %B20
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B20   + ---------------- %B20
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B20  + -------------- %B20
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B21, %B25,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B21   - ---------- %B21   - ----------- %B21
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B21   - ------------- %B21  - ----------- %B21
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B21   + ------------- %B21   + --------------- %B21
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B21   + --------------- %B21  - ------------ %B21
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B21   - ------------- %B21   - --------------- %B21
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B21   - --------------- %B21  - ------------- %B21
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B25 - ------------- %B21   + ------------ %B21
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B21   + ---------------- %B21
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B21  + -------------- %B21
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B21, %B26,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B21   - ---------- %B21   - ----------- %B21
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B21   - ------------- %B21  - ----------- %B21
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B21   + ------------- %B21   + --------------- %B21
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B21   + --------------- %B21  - ------------ %B21
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B21   - ------------- %B21   - --------------- %B21
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B21   - --------------- %B21  - ------------- %B21
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B26 - ------------- %B21   + ------------ %B21
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B21   + ---------------- %B21
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B21  + -------------- %B21
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B22, %B23,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B22   - ---------- %B22   - ----------- %B22
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B22   - ------------- %B22  - ----------- %B22
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B22   + ------------- %B22   + --------------- %B22
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B22   + --------------- %B22  - ------------ %B22
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B22   - ------------- %B22   - --------------- %B22
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B22   - --------------- %B22  - ------------- %B22
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B23 - ------------- %B22   + ------------ %B22
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B22   + ---------------- %B22
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B22  + -------------- %B22
        1387545279120           1387545279120
   [%B22, %B24,
         7865521      31   6696179241     25   25769893181     19
      ---------- %B22   - ---------- %B22   - ----------- %B22
      6006689520          2002229840            49235160
        1975912990729     13   1048460696489     7   21252634831
      - ------------- %B22   - ------------- %B22  - ----------- %B22
          3003344760             2002229840           6006689520
           778171189       31   1987468196267     25   155496778477189     19
      - ------------- %B22   + ------------- %B22   + --------------- %B22
        1387545279120          1387545279120            693772639560
      191631411158401     13   300335488637543     7   755656433863
      --------------- %B22   + --------------- %B22  - ------------ %B22
        693772639560            1387545279120          198220754160
        1094352947      31   2794979430821     25   218708802908737     19
      ------------ %B22   - ------------- %B22   - --------------- %B22
      462515093040           462515093040            231257546520
        91476663003591     13   145152550961823     7   1564893370717
      - -------------- %B22   - --------------- %B22  - ------------- %B22
          77085848840             154171697680           462515093040
                  4321823003      31   180949546069     25
      - %B24 - ------------- %B22   + ------------ %B22
               1387545279120           22746643920
      863753195062493     19   1088094456732317     13
      --------------- %B22   + ---------------- %B22
        693772639560             693772639560
      1732620732685741     7   13506088516033
      ---------------- %B22  + -------------- %B22
        1387545279120           1387545279120
 [%B31,%B35,- %B35 - 4%B31,%B31,%B31,%B31],
 [%B31,%B36,- %B36 - 4%B31,%B31,%B31,%B31],
 [%B32,%B33,- %B33 - 4%B32,%B32,%B32,%B32],
 [%B32,%B34,- %B34 - 4%B32,%B32,%B32,%B32]]
                              Type: List List RealClosure Fraction Integer

We obtain 24 points given by lists of elements in the RealClosure of Fraction of R. In each list, the first value corresponds to the indeterminate f, the second to e and so on.

[Lazard]D. Lazard, Solving Zero-dimensional Algebraic Systems, J. of Symbol. Comput., 1992
[Faugere]Faugere et al., Efficient Computation of Zero-Dimensional Groebner Bases by Change of Ordering, J. of Symbol. Comput., 1993

See Also:

  • )help RegularChain
  • )help RegularTriangularSet
  • )help SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet
  • )help ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage
  • )help NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial
  • )help LinGroebnerPackage
  • )help NormalizedTriangularSetCategory
  • )help RealClosure
  • )help Fraction
  • )show LexTriangularPackage

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