Any TypeΒΆ

Any implements a type that packages up objects and their types in objects of Any. Roughly speaking that means that if s : S then when converted to Any, the new object will include both the original object and its type. This is a way of converting arbitrary objects into a single type without losing any of the original information. Any object can be converted to one of Any.

So we can convert a list to type Any

a:Any := [1,2]

and another list to type Any

b:Any := [1,2]

Equality works

(a = b)@Boolean

We can compare the Any type with other types:

c := [1,2]

typeOf a

typeOf c

(a = c)@Boolean

If the values are differennt than we see the difference:

b := [1,3]

(a = b)@Boolean

The Any type works with many types:

a := "A"

(a = b)@Boolean

b := "A"

(a = b)@Boolean

This is true for more complex types:

Sae := SAE(FRAC INT, UP(x, FRAC INT), x^2-3)

a := generator()$Sae

b := generator()$Sae

(a = b)@Boolean

See Also:

  • )show Any

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