Matrix Category


square?(m) returns true if m is a square matrix (if m has the same number of rows as columns) and false otherwise.

square matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

diagonal?(m) returns true if the matrix m is square and diagonal (i.e. all entries of m not on the diagonal are zero) and false otherwise.

diagonal? matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

symmetric?(m) returns true if the matrix m is square and symmetric (i.e. m[i,j] = m[j,i] for all i and j) and false otherwise.

symmetric? matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

antisymmetric?(m) returns true if the matrix m is square and antisymmetric (i.e. m[i,j] = -m[j,i] for all i and j) and false otherwise.

antisymmetric? matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]


zero(m,n) returns an m-by-n zero matrix.


matrix(l) converts the list of lists l to a matrix, where the list of lists is viewed as a list of the rows of the matrix.

matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[1,1,1]]

scalarMatrix(n,r) returns an n-by-n matrix with r’s on the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere.


diagonalMatrix(l) returns a diagonal matrix with the elements of l on the diagonal.

diagonalMatrix [1,2,3]

diagonalMatrix([m1,...,mk]) creates a block diagonal matrix M with block matrices m1,...,mk down the diagonal, with 0 block matrices elsewhere.

More precisly:

if ri := nrows mi, ci := ncols mi,
then m is an (r1+..+rk) by (c1+..+ck) - matrix  with entries
  m.i.j = ml.(i-r1-..-r(l-1)).(j-n1-..-n(l-1)),
if (r1+..+r(l-1)) < i <= r1+..+rl and
  (c1+..+c(l-1)) < i <= c1+..+cl,
   m.i.j = 0  otherwise.

 diagonalMatrix [matrix [[1,2],[3,4]], matrix [[4,5],[6,7]]]

coerce(col) converts the column col to a column matrix.


transpose(r) converts the row r to a row matrix:


Creation of new matrices from old

transpose(m) returns the transpose of the matrix m.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]
transpose m

squareTop(m) returns an n-by-n matrix consisting of the first n rows of the m-by-n matrix m. Error: if m < n.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..2] for j in 1..5]
squareTop m

horizConcat(x,y) horizontally concatenates two matrices with an equal number of rows. The entries of y appear to the right of the entries of x. Error: if the matrices do not have the same number of rows.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

vertConcat(x,y) vertically concatenates two matrices with an equal number of columns. The entries of y appear below of the entries of x. Error: if the matrices do not have the same number of columns.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

Part extractions/assignments

listOfLists(m) returns the rows of the matrix m as a list of lists

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]
listOfLists m

elt(x,rowList,colList) returns an m-by-n matrix consisting of elements of x, where m = # rowList and n = # colList If rowList = [i<1>,i<2>,...,i<m>] and colList = [j<1>,j<2>,...,j<n>], then the (k,l)-th entry of elt(x,rowList,colList) is x(i<k>,j<l>).

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

setelt(x,rowList,colList,y) destructively alters the matrix x. If y is m-by-n, rowList = [i<1>,i<2>,...,i<m>] and colList = [j<1>,j<2>,...,j<n>], then x(i<k>,j<l>) is set to y(k,l) for k = 1,...,m and l = 1,...,n

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

swapRows!(m,i,j) interchanges the i-th and j-th rows of m. This destructively alters the matrix.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

swapColumns!(m,i,j) interchanges the i-th and j-th columns of m. This destructively alters the matrix.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

subMatrix(x,i1,i2,j1,j2) extracts the submatrix [x(i,j)] where the index i ranges from i1 to i2 and the index j ranges from j1 to j2.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

setsubMatrix(x,i1,j1,y) destructively alters the matrix x. Here x(i,j) is set to y(i-i1+1,j-j1+1) for i = i1,...,i1-1+nrows y and j = j1,...,j1-1+ncols y.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]
setsubMatrix!(m,2,2,matrix [[3,3],[3,3]])


x + y is the sum of the matrices x and y. It is an error if the dimensions are incompatible.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

x - y is the difference of the matrices x and y. It is an error if the dimensions are incompatible.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

-x returns the negative of the matrix x.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

x * y is the product of the matrices x and y. It is an error if the dimensions are incompatible.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

r*x is the left scalar multiple of the scalar r and the matrix x.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

x * r is the right scalar multiple of the scalar r and the matrix x.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

n * x is an integer multiple.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

x * c is the product of the matrix x and the column vector c. It is an error if the dimensions are incompatible.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]
m *c

r * x is the product of the row vector r and the matrix x. It is an error if the dimensions are incompatible.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

x ** n computes a non-negative integral power of the matrix x. It is an error if the matrix is not square.

m:=matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

exquo(m,r) computes the exact quotient of the elements of m by r, returning “failed” if this is not possible.

m:=matrix [[2**i for i in 2..4] for j in 1..5]

m/r divides the elements of m by r, r must be non-zero.

m:=matrix [[2**i for i in 2..4] for j in 1..5]

Linear algebra

rowEchelon(m) returns the row echelon form of the matrix m.

rowEchelon matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

columnSpace(m) returns a sublist of columns of the matrix m

columnSpace matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[1,1,1]]

rank(m) returns the rank of the matrix m.

rank matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

nullity(m) returns the nullity of the matrix m. This is the dimension of the null space of the matrix m.

nullity matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

nullSpace(m) returns a basis for the null space of the matrix m.

nullSpace matrix [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

determinant(m) returns the determinant of the matrix m. It is an error if the matrix is not square.

determinant matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

minordet(m) computes the determinant of the matrix m using minors. It is an error if the matrix is not square.

minordet matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

pfaffian(m) returns the Pfaffian of the matrix m. It is an error if the matrix is not antisymmetric

pfaffian [[0,1,0,0],[-1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,-1,0]]

inverse(m) returns the inverse of the matrix m. If the matrix is not invertible, “failed” is returned. It is an error if the matrix is not square.

inverse matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]

m**n computes an integral power of the matrix m. It is an error if matrix is not square or if the matrix is square but not invertible.

(matrix [[j**i for i in 0..4] for j in 1..5]) ** 2

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