==================================================================== Repeat Loops ==================================================================== A loop is an expression that contains another expression, called the loop body, which is to be evaluated zero or more times. All loops contain the repeat keyword and return the unique value of Void. Loops can contain inner loops to any depth. The most basic loop is of the form :: repeat loopbody Unless loopbody contains a leave or return expression, the loop repeats foreer. The value returned by the loop is the unique value of Void. FriCAS tries to determine completely the type of every object in a loop and then to translate the loop body to Lisp or even to machine code. This translation is called compilation. If FriCAS decides that it cannot compile the loop, it issues a message stating the problem and then the following message: :: We will attemp to step through and interpret the code It is still possible that FriCAS can evalute the loop but in interpret-code mode. --------------- Return in Loops --------------- A return expression is used to exit a function with a particular value. In particular, if a return is in a loop within the function, the loop is terminated whenever the return is evaluated. :: f() == i := 1 repeat if factorial(i) > 1000 then return i i := i + 1 Type: Void f() Type: Void When factorial(i) is big enough, control passes from inside the loop all the way outside the function, returning the value of i (so we think). What went wrong? Isn't it obvious that this function should return an integer? Well, FriCAS makes no attempt to analyze the structure of a loop to determine if it always returns a value because, in general, this is impossible. So FriCAS has this simple rule: the type of the function is determined by the type of its body, in this case a block. The normal value of a block is the value of its last expression, in this case, a loop. And the value of every loop is the unique value of Void. So the return type of f is Void. There are two ways to fix this. The best way is for you to tell FriCAS what the return type of f is. You do this by giving f a declaration :: f:() -> Integer prior to calling for its value. This tells FriCAS "trust me -- an integer is returned". Another way is to add a dummy expression as follows. :: f() == i := 1 repeat if factorial(i) > 1000 then return i i := i + 1 0 Type: Void Note that the dummy expression will never be evaluated but it is the last expression in the function and will determine the return type.:: f() 7 Type: PositiveInteger -------------- Leave in loops -------------- The leave keyword is often more useful in terminating a loop. A leave causes control to transfer to the expression immediately following the loop. As loops always return the unique value of Void, you cannot return a value with leave. That is, leave takes no argument. :: f() == i := 1 repeat if factorial(i) > 1000 then leave i := i + 1 i Type: Void This example is a modification of the last example in the previous section. Instead of using return we'll use leave. :: f() 7 Type: PositiveInteger The loop terminates when factorial(i) gets big enough. The last line of the function evaluates to the corresponding "good" value of i and the function terminates, returning that value. You can only use leave to terminate the evaluation of one loop. Lets consider a loop within a loop, that is, a loop with a nested loop. First, we initialize two counter variables. :: (i,j) := (1,1) 1 Type: PositiveInteger repeat repeat if (i + j) > 10 then leave j := j + 1 if (i + j) > 10 then leave i := i + 1 Type: Void Nested loops must have multiple leave expressions at the appropriate nesting level. How would you rewrite this so (i + j) > 10 is only evaluated once? -------------------------- leave vs => in loop bodies -------------------------- Compare the following two loops: :: i := 1 i := 1 repeat repeat i := i + 1 i := i + 1 i > 3 => i if i > 3 then leave output(i) output(i) In the example on the left, the values 2 and 3 for i are displayed but then the "=>" does not allow control to reach the call to output again. The loop will not terminate until you run out of space or interrupt the execution. The variable i will continue to be incremented because the "=>" only means to leave the block, not the loop. In the example on the right, upon reaching 4, the leave will be executed, and both the block and the loop will terminate. This is one of the reasons why both "=>" and leave are provided. Using a while clase with the "=>" lets you simulate the action of leave. ---------------- iterate in loops ---------------- FriCAS provides an iterate expression that skips over the remainder of a loop body and starts the next loop execution. We first initialize a counter. :: i := 0 0 Type: NonNegativeInteger Display the even integers from 2 to 5: :: repeat i := i + 1 if i > 5 then leave if odd?(i) then iterate output(i) 2 4 Type: Void Also See: * )help blocks * )help if * )help while * )help for * )help suchthat * )help parallel * )help lists