9.51 MappingPackage1¶
Function are objects of type Mapping. In this section we demonstrate some library operations from the packages MappingPackage1, MappingPackage2, and MappingPackage3 that manipulate and create functions. Some terminology: a nullary function takes no arguments, a unary function takes one argument, and a binary function takes two arguments.
We begin by creating an example function that raises a rational number to an integer exponent.
power(q: FRAC INT, n: INT): FRAC INT == q^n
Function declaration power : (Fraction Integer,Integer) ->
Fraction Integer has been added to workspace.
Compiling function power with type (Fraction Integer,Integer) ->
Fraction Integer
8 |
Type: Fraction Integer
The twisttwistMappingPackage3 operation transposes the arguments of a binary function. Here rewop(a, b) is power(b, a).
rewop := twist power
theMap(...) |
Type: ((Integer,Fraction Integer) -> Fraction Integer)
This is 23.
rewop(3, 2)
8 |
Type: Fraction Integer
Now we define square in terms of power.
square: FRAC INT -> FRAC INT
The curryRightcurryRightMappingPackage3 operation creates a unary function from a binary one by providing a constant argument on the right.
square:= curryRight(power, 2)
theMap(...) |
Type: (Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer)
Likewise, the curryLeftcurryLeftMappingPackage3 operation provides a constant argument on the left.
square 4
16 |
Type: Fraction Integer
The constantRightconstantRightMappingPackage3 operation creates (in a trivial way) a binary function from a unary one: constantRight(f) is the function g such that g(a,b)= f(a).
squirrel:= constantRight(square)$MAPPKG3(FRAC INT,FRAC INT,FRAC INT)
theMap(...) |
Type: ((Fraction Integer,Fraction Integer) -> Fraction Integer)
Likewise, constantLeft(f) is the function g such that g(a,b)= f(b).
squirrel(1/2, 1/3)
14 |
Type: Fraction Integer
The currycurryMappingPackage2 operation makes a unary function nullary.
sixteen := curry(square, 4/1)
theMap(...) |
Type: (() -> Fraction Integer)
16 |
Type: Fraction Integer
The * operation constructs composed functions.
theMap(...) |
Type: (Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer)
square2 3
81 |
Type: Fraction Integer
Use the ^ operation to create functions that are n-fold iterations of other functions.
sc(x: FRAC INT): FRAC INT == x + 1
Function declaration sc : Fraction Integer ->
Fraction Integer has been added to workspace.
This is a list of Mapping objects.
incfns := [sc^i for i in 0..10]
[theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...),theMap(...)] |
Type: List (Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer)
This is a list of applications of those functions.
[f 4 for f in incfns]
[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] |
Type: List Fraction Integer
Use the recurrecurMappingPackage1 operation for recursion:
g := recur f means g(n,x) == f(n,f(n-1,...f(1,x))).
times(n:NNI, i:INT):INT == n*i
Function declaration times : (NonNegativeInteger,Integer) ->
Integer has been added to workspace.
r := recur(times)
theMap(...) |
Type: ((NonNegativeInteger,Integer) -> Integer)
This is a factorial function.
fact := curryRight(r, 1)
theMap(...) |
Type: (NonNegativeInteger -> Integer)
fact 4
24 |
Type: PositiveInteger
Constructed functions can be used within other functions.
mto2ton(m, n) ==
raiser := square^n
raiser m
This is 323.
mto2ton(3, 3)
Compiling function mto2ton with type (PositiveInteger,
PositiveInteger) -> Fraction Integer
6561 |
Type: Fraction Integer
Here shiftfib is a unary function that modifies its argument.
shiftfib(r: List INT) : INT ==
t := r.1
r.1 := r.2
r.2 := r.2 + t
Function declaration shiftfib : List Integer -> Integer
has been added to workspace.
By currying over the argument we get a function with private state.
fibinit: List INT := [0, 1]
[0,1] |
Type: List Integer
fibs := curry(shiftfib, fibinit)
theMap(...) |
Type: (() -> Integer)
[fibs() for i in 0..30]
[0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765,10946,17711,28657,46368,75025,121393,196418,317811,514229,832040] |
Type: List Integer