8.2 Polynomial Factorization

The FriCAS polynomial factorization polynomial:factorization facilities are available for all polynomial types and a wide variety of coefficient domains. factorization Here are some examples.

8.2.1 Integer and Rational Number Coefficients

Polynomials with integer polynomial:factorization:integer coefficients coefficients can be be factored.

v := (4*x^3+2*y^2+1)*(12*x^5-x^3*y+12)

Type: Polynomial Integer

factor v

Type: Factored Polynomial Integer

Also, FriCAS can factor polynomials with polynomial:factorization:rational number coefficients rational number coefficients.

w := (4*x^3+(2/3)*x^2+1)*(12*x^5-(1/2)*x^3+12)

Type: Polynomial Fraction Integer

factor w

Type: Factored Polynomial Fraction Integer

8.2.2 Finite Field Coefficients

Polynomials with coefficients in a finite field polynomial:factorization:finite field coefficients can be also be factored. finite field:factoring polynomial with coefficients in

u : POLY(PF(19)) :=3*x^4+2*x^2+15*x+18

Type: Polynomial PrimeField 19

These include the integers mod p, where p is prime, and extensions of these fields.

factor u

Type: Factored Polynomial PrimeField 19

Convert this to have coefficients in the finite field with 193 elements. See ugProblemFinite for more information about finite fields.

factor(u :: POLY FFX(PF 19,3))

Type: Factored Polynomial FiniteFieldExtension(PrimeField 19,3)

8.2.3 Simple Algebraic Extension Field Coefficients

Polynomials with coefficients in simple algebraic extensions polynomial:factorization:algebraic extension field coefficients of the rational numbers can be factored. algebraic number number:algebraic

Here, aa and bb are symbolic roots of polynomials.

aa := rootOf(aa^2+aa+1)

Type: AlgebraicNumber


Type: Polynomial AlgebraicNumber

Note that the second argument to factor can be a list of algebraic extensions to factor over.


Type: Factored Polynomial AlgebraicNumber

This factors x**2+3 over the integers.


Type: Factored Polynomial Integer

Factor the same polynomial over the field obtained by adjoining aa to the rational numbers.


Type: Factored Polynomial AlgebraicNumber

Factor x**6+108 over the same field.


Type: Factored Polynomial AlgebraicNumber


Type: AlgebraicNumber


Type: Factored Polynomial AlgebraicNumber

Factor again over the field obtained by adjoining both aa and bb to the rational numbers.


Type: Factored Polynomial AlgebraicNumber

8.2.4 Factoring Rational Functions

Since fractions of polynomials form a field, every element (other than zero) rational function:factoring divides any other, so there is no useful notion of irreducible factors. Thus the factor operation is not very useful for fractions of polynomials.

There is, instead, a specific operation factorFraction that separately factors the numerator and denominator and returns a fraction of the factored results.


Type: Fraction Factored Polynomial Integer

You can also use map. This expression applies the factor operation to the numerator and denominator.


Type: Fraction Factored Polynomial Integer