3.3 Scroll Bars

Whenever there is too much text to fit on a page, a scroll scroll bar bar automatically appears along the right side.

With a scroll bar, your page becomes an aperture, that is, a window into a larger amount of text than can be displayed at one time. The scroll bar lets you move up and down in the text to see different parts. It also shows where the aperture is relative to the whole text. The aperture is indicated by a strip on the scroll bar.

Move the cursor with the mouse to the down-arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar and click. See that the aperture moves down one line. Do it several times. Each time you click, the aperture moves down one line. Move the mouse to the up-arrow at the top of the scroll bar and click. The aperture moves up one line each time you click.

Next move the mouse to any position along the middle of the scroll bar and click. HyperDoc attempts to move the top of the aperture to this point in the text.

You cannot make the aperture go off the bottom edge. When the aperture is about half the size of text, the lowest you can move the aperture is halfway down.

To move up or down one screen at a time, use the PageUp and PageDown keys on your keyboard. They move the visible part of the region up and down one page each time you press them.

If the HyperDoc page does not contain an input area (see ugHyperInput ), you can also use the Home and ↑ and ↓ arrow keys to navigate. When you press the Home key, the screen is positioned at the very top of the page. Use the ↑ and ↓ arrow keys to move the screen up and down one line at a time, respectively.