13.13 Example 2: Building A Query Facility

We now turn to an entirely different kind of application, building a query language for a database.

Here is the practical problem to solve. The Browse facility of FriCAS has a database for all operations and constructors which is stored on disk and accessed by HyperDoc. For our purposes here, we regard each line of this file as having eight fields: class, name, type, nargs, exposed, kind, origin, and condition. Here is an example entry:


In English, the entry means:

The operation determinant: $->R with 1 argument, is exposed and is exported by domain Matrix(R) if R has commutative(“*”).

Our task is to create a little query language that allows us to get useful information from this database.

13.13.1 A Little Query Language

First we design a simple language for accessing information from the database. We have the following simple model in mind for its design. Think of the database as a box of index cards. There is only one search operation—it takes the name of a field and a predicate predicate (a boolean-valued function) defined on the fields of the index cards. When applied, the search operation goes through the entire box selecting only those index cards for which the predicate is true. The result of a search is a new box of index cards. This process can be repeated again and again.

The predicates all have a particularly simple form: symbol = pattern, where symbol designates one of the fields, and pattern is a search string—a string that may contain a * as a wildcard. Wildcards match any substring, including the empty string. Thus the pattern “*ma*t matches “mat”, doormat’’ and smart.

To illustrate how queries are given, we give you a sneak preview of the facility we are about to create.

Extract the database of all FriCAS operations.

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How many exposed three-argument map operations involving streams?

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As usual, the arguments of elt ( .) associate to the left. The first elt produces the set of all operations with name map. The second elt produces the set of all map operations with three arguments. The third elt produces the set of all three-argument map operations having a type mentioning Stream.

Another thing we’d like to do is to extract one field from each of the index cards in the box and look at the result. Here is an example of that kind of request.

What constructors explicitly export a determinant operation?

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The first elt produces the set of all index cards with name determinant. The second elt extracts the origin component from each index card. Each origin component is the name of a constructor which directly exports the operation represented by the index card. Extracting a component from each index card produces what we call a datalist. The third elt, sort, causes the datalist of origins to be sorted in alphabetic order. The fourth, unique, causes duplicates to be removed.

Before giving you a more extensive demo of this facility, we now build the necessary domains and packages to implement it. We will introduce a few of our minor conveniences.

13.13.2 The Database Constructor

We work from the top down. First, we define a database, our box of index cards, as an abstract datatype. For sake of illustration and generality, we assume that an index card is some type S, and that a database is a box of objects of type S. Here is the FriCAS program defining the Database domain.

PI ==> PositiveInteger
Database(S): Exports == Implementation where
  S: Object with
    elt: ( $, Symbol) -> String
    display:  $ -> Void
    fullDisplay:  $ -> Void
  Exports == with

    elt: ( $,QueryEquation) ->  $                   Select by an equation

    elt: ( $, Symbol) -> DataList String            Select by a field name

    ”+”: ( $, $) ->  $                              Combine two databases

    ”-”: ( $, $) ->  $                              Subtract one from another

    display:  $ -> Void                             A brief database display

    fullDisplay:  $ -> Void                         A full database display
  fullDisplay: ( $,PI,PI) -> Void                 A selective display   coerce:  $ -> OutputForm                        Display a database Implementation == add     ...

The domain constructor takes a parameter S, which stands for the class of index cards. We describe an index card later. Here think of an index card as a string which has the eight fields mentioned above.

First we tell FriCAS what operations we are going to require from index cards. We need an elt to extract the contents of a field (such as name and type) as a string. For example, c.name returns a string that is the content of the name field on the index card c. We need to display an index card in two ways: display shows only the name and type of an operation; fullDisplay displays all fields. The display operations return no useful information and thus have return type Void.

Next we tell FriCAS what operations the user can apply to the database. This part defines our little query language. The most important operation is db . field = pattern which returns a new database, consisting of all index cards of db such that the field part of the index card is matched by the string pattern called pattern. The expression field = pattern is an object of type QueryEquation (defined in the next section).

Another elt is needed to produce a DataList object. Operation + is to merge two databases together; - is used to subtract away common entries in a second database from an initial database. There are three display functions. The fullDisplay function has two versions: one that prints all the records, the other that prints only a fixed number of records. A coerce to OutputForm creates a display object.

The Implementation part of Database is straightforward.

Implementation == add
  s: Symbol
  Rep := List S
  elt(db,equation) == ...
  elt(db,key) == [x.key for x in db]::DataList(String)
  display(db) ==  for x in db repeat display x
  fullDisplay(db) == for x in db repeat fullDisplay x
  fullDisplay(db, n, m) == for x in db for i in 1..m
      if i >= n then fullDisplay x
  x+y == removeDuplicates! merge(x,y)
  x-y == mergeDifference(copy(x::Rep),
  coerce(db): OutputForm == (#db):: OutputForm

The database is represented by a list of elements of S (index cards). We leave the definition of the first elt operation (on line 4) until the next section. The second elt collects all the strings with field name key into a list. The display function and first fullDisplay function simply call the corresponding functions from S. The second fullDisplay function provides an efficient way of printing out a portion of a large list. The + is defined by using the existing mergemergeList operation defined on lists, then removing duplicates from the result. The - operation requires writing a corresponding subtraction operation. A package MergeThing (not shown) provides this.

The coerce function converts the database to an OutputForm by computing the number of index cards. This is a good example of the independence of the representation of an FriCAS object from how it presents itself to the user. We usually do not want to look at a database—but do care how many hits we get for a given query. So we define the output representation of a database to be simply the number of index cards our query finds.

13.13.3 Query Equations

The predicate for our search is given by an object of type QueryEquation. FriCAS does not have such an object yet so we have to invent it.

QueryEquation(): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == with
    equation: (Symbol, String) ->  $
    variable:  $ -> Symbol
    value:     $ -> String
  Implementation == add
    Rep := Record(var:Symbol, val:String)
    equation(x, s) == [x, s]
    variable q == q.var
    value    q == q.val

FriCAS converts an input expression of the form a=b to equation(a,b). Our equations always have a symbol on the left and a string on the right. The Exports part thus specifies an operation equation to create a query equation, and variable and value to select the left- and right-hand sides. The Implementation part uses Record for a space-efficient representation of an equation.

Here is the missing definition for the elt function of Database in the last section:

elt(db,eq) ==
  field  := variable eq
  value := value eq
  [x for x in db | matches?(value,x.field)]

Recall that a database is represented by a list. Line 4 simply runs over that list collecting all elements such that the pattern (that is, value) matches the selected field of the element.

13.13.4 DataLists

Type DataList is a new type invented to hold the result of selecting one field from each of the index cards in the box. It is useful to make datalists extensions of lists—lists that have special elt operations defined on them for sorting and removing duplicates.

DataList(S:OrderedSet) : Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == ListAggregate(S) with
    elt: ($,"unique") -> $
    elt: ($,"sort") -> $
    elt: ($,"count") -> NonNegativeInteger
    coerce: List S -> $
  Implementation ==  List(S) add
    Rep := List S
    elt(x,"unique") == removeDuplicates(x)
    elt(x,"sort") == sort(x)
    elt(x,"count") == #x
    coerce(x:List S) == x :: $

The Exports part asserts that datalists belong to the category ListAggregate. Therefore, you can use all the usual list operations on datalists, such as firstfirstList, restrestList, and concatconcatList. In addition, datalists have four explicit operations. Besides the three elt operations, there is a coerce operation that creates datalists from lists.

The Implementation part needs only to define four functions. All the rest are obtained from List(S).

13.13.5 Index Cards

An index card comes from a file as one long string. We define functions that extract substrings from the long string. Each field has a name that is passed as a second argument to elt.

IndexCard() == Implementation where
  Exports == with
    elt: ($, Symbol) -> String
    display: $ -> Void
    fullDisplay: $ -> Void
    coerce: String -> $
  Implementation == String add ...

We leave the Implementation part to the reader. All operations involve straightforward string manipulations.

13.13.6 Creating a Database

We must not forget one important operation: one that builds the database in the first place! We’ll name it getDatabase and put it in a package. This function is implemented by calling the Common Lisp function getBrowseDatabase(s) to get appropriate information from Browse. This operation takes a string indicating which lines you want from the database: o gives you all operation lines, and k, all constructor lines. Similarly, c, d, and p give you all category, domain and package lines respectively.

OperationsQuery(): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == with
    getDatabase: String -> Database(IndexCard)
  Implementation == add
    getDatabase(s) == getBrowseDatabase(s)$Lisp

We do not bother creating a special name for databases of index cards. Database (IndexCard) will do. Notice that we used the package OperationsQuery to create, in effect, a new kind of domain: Database(IndexCard).

13.13.7 Putting It All Together

To create the database facility, you put all these constructors into one file.You could use separate files, but we are putting them all together because, organizationally, that is the logical thing to do. At the top of the file put )abbrev commands, giving the constructor abbreviations you created.

)abbrev domain  ICARD   IndexCard
)abbrev domain  QEQUAT  QueryEquation
)abbrev domain  MTHING  MergeThing
)abbrev domain  DLIST   DataList
)abbrev domain  DBASE   Database
)abbrev package OPQUERY OperationsQuery

With all this in alql.spad, for example, compile it using compile

)compile alql

and then load each of the constructors:


load You are ready to try some sample queries.

13.13.8 Example Queries

Our first set of queries give some statistics on constructors in the current FriCAS system.

How many constructors does FriCAS have?

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Break this down into the number of categories, domains, and packages.

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What are all the domain constructors that take no parameters?

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How many constructors have Matrix in their name?

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What are the names of those that are domains?

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How many operations are there in the library?

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Break this down into categories, domains, and packages.

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The query language is helpful in getting information about a particular operation you might like to apply. While this information can be obtained with Browse, the use of the query database gives you data that you can manipulate in the workspace.

How many operations have eigen in the name?

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What are their names?

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Where do they come from?

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The operations + and - are useful for constructing small databases and combining them. However, remember that the only matching you can do is string matching. Thus a pattern such as “Matrix” on the type field matches any type containing Matrix, MatrixCategory, SquareMatrix, and so on.

How many operations mention Matrix in their type?

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How many operations come from constructors with Matrix in their name?

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How many operations are in fm but not in tm?

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Display the operations that both mention Matrix in their type and come from a constructor having Matrix in their name.

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How many operations involve matrices?

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Display 4 of them.

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How many distinct names of operations involving matrices are there?

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