1.4 Numbers

FriCAS distinguishes very carefully between different kinds of numbers, how they are represented and what their properties are. Here are a sampling of some of these kinds of numbers and some things you can do with them.

Integer arithmetic is always exact.

11^13 * 13^11 * 17^7 - 19^5 * 23^3

Type: PositiveInteger

Integers can be represented in factored form.

factor 643238070748569023720594412551704344145570763243

Type: Factored Integer

Results stay factored when you do arithmetic. Note that the 12 is automatically factored for you.

% * 12

Type: Factored Integer

Integers can also be displayed to bases other than 10. This is an integer in base 11.


Type: RadixExpansion 11

Roman numerals are also available for those special occasions. Roman numerals


Type: RomanNumeral

Rational number arithmetic is also exact.

r := 10 + 9/2 + 8/3 + 7/4 + 6/5 + 5/6 + 4/7 + 3/8 + 2/9

Type: Fraction Integer

To factor fractions, you have to pmap factor onto the numerator and denominator.


Type: Fraction Factored Integer

SingleInteger refers to machine word-length integers.

In English, this expression means 11 as a small integer.


Type: SingleInteger

Machine double-precision floating-point numbers are also available for numeric and graphical applications.


Type: DoubleFloat

The normal floating-point type in FriCAS, Float, is a software implementation of floating-point numbers in which the exponent and the mantissa may have any number of digits. The types Complex(Float) and Complex(DoubleFloat) are the corresponding software implementations of complex floating-point numbers.

This is a floating-point approximation to about twenty digits. floating point The :: is used here to change from one kind of object (here, a rational number) to another (a floating-point number).

r :: Float

Type: Float

Use digits to change the number of digits in the representation. This operation returns the previous value so you can reset it later.


Type: PositiveInteger

To 22 digits of precision, the number eπ163.0 appears to be an integer.

exp(%pi * sqrt 163.0)

Type: Float

Increase the precision to forty digits and try again.

digits(40); exp(%pi * sqrt 163.0)

Type: Float

Here are complex numbers with rational numbers as real and complex numbers imaginary parts.

(2/3 + %i)^3
\[-{{46} \over {27}}+{{1 \over 3} \ i}\]

Type: Complex Fraction Integer

The standard operations on complex numbers are available.

conjugate %
\[-{{46} \over {27}} -{{1 \over 3} \ i}\]

Type: Complex Fraction Integer

You can factor complex integers.

factor(89 - 23 * %i)
\[-{{\left( 1+i \right)} \ {{{\left( 2+i \right)}} ^ {2}} \ {{{\left( 3+{2 \ i} \right)}} ^ {2}}}\]

Type: Factored Complex Integer

Complex numbers with floating point parts are also available.

exp(%pi/4.0 * %i)
\[{0.7071067811865475244}+{{0.7071067811865475244} \ i}\]

Type: Complex Float

The real and imaginary parts can be symbolic.

\[u+{v \ i}\]

Type: Complex Polynomial Integer

Of course, you can do complex arithmetic with these also.

% ^ 2
\[-{{v} ^ {2}}+{{u} ^ {2}}+{2 \ u \ v \ i}\]

Type: Complex Polynomial Integer

Every rational number has an exact representation as a repeating decimal expansion

\[0.{00284}{\overline {09}}\]

Type: DecimalExpansion

A rational number can also be expressed as a continued fraction.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\def\zag#1#2{{{\left.{#1}\right|}\over{\left|{#2}\right.}}}\\{31}+ \zag{1}{6}+ \zag{1}{2}+ \zag{1}{1}+ \zag{1}{3}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Type: ContinuedFraction Integer

Also, partial fractions can be used and can be displayed in a partial fraction compact format fraction:partial

\[{{159} \over {{2} ^ {8}}} -{{23} \over {{3} ^ {4}}} -{{12} \over {{5} ^ {2}}}+{1 \over 7}\]

Type: PartialFraction Integer

or expanded format.

\[{1 \over 2}+{1 \over {{2} ^ {4}}}+{1 \over {{2} ^ {5}}}+{1 \over {{2} ^ {6}}}+{1 \over {{2} ^ {7}}}+{1 \over {{2} ^ {8}}} -{2 \over {{3} ^ {2}}} -{1 \over {{3} ^ {3}}} -{2 \over {{3} ^ {4}}} -{2 \over 5} -{2 \over {{5} ^ {2}}}+{1 \over 7}\]

Type: PartialFraction Integer

Like integers, bases (radices) other than ten can be used for rational numbers. Here we use base eight.

radix(4/7, 8)
\[0.{\overline 4}\]

Type: RadixExpansion 8

Of course, there are complex versions of these as well. FriCAS decides to make the result a complex rational number.

% + 2/3*%i
\[{4 \over 7}+{{2 \over 3} \ i}\]

Type: Complex Fraction Integer

You can also use FriCAS to manipulate fractional powers.

(5 + sqrt 63 + sqrt 847)^(1/3)
\[\root {3} \of {{{{14} \ {\sqrt {7}}}+5}}\]

Type: AlgebraicNumber

You can also compute with integers modulo a prime.

x : PrimeField 7 := 5

Type: PrimeField 7

Arithmetic is then done modulo 7.


Type: PrimeField 7

Since 7 is prime, you can invert nonzero values.


Type: PrimeField 7

You can also compute modulo an integer that is not a prime.

y : IntegerMod 6 := 5

Type: IntegerMod 6

All of the usual arithmetic operations are available.


Type: IntegerMod 6

Inversion is not available if the modulus is not a prime number. Modular arithmetic and prime fields are discussed in Section ugxProblemFinitePrime .

There are 12 exposed and 13 unexposed library operations named /
   having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
   Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
                             )display op /
   to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
   package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
   will allow you to apply the operation.

Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named /
   with argument type(s)
                             IntegerMod 6

   Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
   or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

This defines a to be an algebraic number, that is, a root of a polynomial equation.

a := rootOf(a^5 + a^3 + a^2 + 3,a)

Type: Expression Integer

Computations with a are reduced according to the polynomial equation.

(a + 1)^10
\[-{{85} \ {{a} ^ {4}}} -{{264} \ {{a} ^ {3}}} -{{378} \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -{{458} \ a} -{287}\]

Type: Expression Integer

Define b to be an algebraic number involving a.

b := rootOf(b^4 + a,b)

Type: Expression Integer

Do some arithmetic.

2/(b - 1)
\[2 \over {b -1}\]

Type: Expression Integer

To expand and simplify this, call ratDenom to rationalize the denominator.

\[\scriptstyle{ {{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {3}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {2}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ b}+{{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1}\]

Type: Expression Integer

If we do this, we should get b.

\[\scriptstyle{ {{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {3}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {2}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ b}+{{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+3} \over {{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {3}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ {{b} ^ {2}}}+{{\left( {{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1 \right)} \ b}+{{a} ^ {4}} -{{a} ^ {3}}+{2 \ {{a} ^ {2}}} -a+1}}\]

Type: Expression Integer

But we need to rationalize the denominator again.


Type: Expression Integer

Types Quaternion and Octonion are also available. Multiplication of quaternions is non-commutative, as expected.

q:=quatern(1,2,3,4)*quatern(5,6,7,8) - quatern(5,6,7,8)*quatern(1,2,3,4)
\[-{8 \ i}+{{16} \ j} -{8 \ k}\]

Type: Quaternion Integer