.. status: ok 12.12 Anonymous Categories -------------------------- The part of a category to the right of a with is also regarded as a category---an anonymous category. Thus you have already seen a category definition category:anonymous in Chapter `ugPackages `__ . The Exports part of the package DrawComplex (`ugPackagesAbstract `__ ) is an anonymous category. This is not necessary. We could, instead, give this category a name: .. spadVerbatim :: DrawComplexCategory(): Category == with    drawComplex: (C -> C,S,S,Boolean) -> VIEW3D    drawComplexVectorField: (C -> C,S,S) -> VIEW3D    setRealSteps: INT -> INT    setImagSteps: INT -> INT    setClipValue: DFLOAT-> DFLOAT and then define DrawComplex by: .. spadVerbatim :: DrawComplex(): DrawComplexCategory == Implementation    where       ... There is no reason, however, to give this list of exports a name since no other domain or package exports it. In fact, it is rare for a package to export a named category. As you will see in the next chapter, however, it is very common for the definition of domains to mention one or more category before the with. with